Author's Note

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First I would like to thank you for choosing my story to read. I have been writing for a long time and this is really the first time I have shared anything.

This story does contain adult content, such as; physical and emotional abuse, violence, sex, alcohol, and language. Another big thing to note is that this is in fact a Reverse Harem/Why Choose, so expect some fun. If this is something that you are not interested in and feel the need to make negative comments about just go read something else. However, if you absolutely feel the need to comment about how you don't like it then be prepared for me to respond with the same energy.

This story is completely written so updates will be consistent until you have all of the chapters. I will be posting one chapter on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. As for a time of day I cannot say it will be the same every day.

I love reading comments about what you like or found surprising so don't be afraid to leave your thoughts, and don't forget to share the story with anyone you think would like it.

First chapter will be posted Oct. 24th 2022!

Thanks again!


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