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"Hi. Oh wow, I was not expecting to meet you. I am Oliver. Austin's manager," the man in the suit greets Ophelia with a friendly smile. "Big fan," he adds a little shyly. Ophelia smiles at him and shakes his hands "Hello Oliver, it's lovely to meet you," she says. "Ophelia, there is coffee and snacks at the back table there," Tracy says pointing to the back of the room, "if you will excuse us for a moment. We will be right outside...just need to tie up a few loose ends," she adds ushering Xolani and Oliver out the door into the hallway. Ophelia wants to protest but she does not want to be a bother, besides Austin is still asleep and the room is made of glass so if he tries to kill her she will have witnesses. She turns and heads for the back table. She never gets coffee or snacks at her meetings but Austin is pretty big in Hollywood right now so she guesses they pull out the red carpet for him. She might as well make the best of this. She makes herself a coffee but then feels someone come up close behind her. Not touching but close enough that she can feel their body heat. "What's your name?" Ophelia's hands start shaking at the low guttural voice that asked her that question. She can't get her body to do anything, she feels like boneless rubber so against her better judgment she turns around and finds herself pressed up against Austin's chest. She cranes her head and looks up at him. He is looking down at her with a smirk. She can't speak, she has forgotten her name. "Who's your Daddy?" he asks running his hand through her hair. She grips her coffee cup with both shaking hands and leans back a little. But Austin's body follows hers so no space is made between them. "Is he rich like me?" he whispers and runs his index finger along her jaw. Austin is all consuming and Ophelia can't make herself look away.

"Oh good. Lovely to see you both getting to know each other," Xolani says from behind them. Austin huff's out a quiet laugh and stands up straight. He then takes her coffee cup from her. "Let me carry this for you, baby...wouldn't want you to spill and hurt yourself," he says then moves away from her and gestures with his free hand for her to go to the table. She moves straight for an empty chair and sits down relieved to get away from Austin but her breath hitches when his arm appears in front of her as he places her coffee on the table before her. Usually, she would never be so rude not to say thank you but she's lost her tongue. When he sits down on the seat next to her she squeaks when his foot accidentally bumps hers. "I apologize, Austin was raised by wolves but he is harmless really," Oliver says. Ophelia feels her face go red and she shrugs. "Alright. So we have a proposal," Tracy starts with the clap of her hands, "have either of you heard of PR relationships?" she asks looking between Austin and Ophelia. Austin looks at Ophelia and raises one eyebrow at her. Is he promoting her to answer? Jim never let answer questions, he always took charge. When she doesn't respond Austin smiles at her. He has a kind smile. "Go on, baby, ladies first," he says. "Oh, umm...y-yes I have heard of PR relationships," she says softly. "She speaks!" Austin announces with over-the-top enthusiasm. "We both have heard of PR relationships. Get to the point Taryn," Austin says. "My name is Tracy and we are suggesting the two of you enter into a PR relationship. We could plaster it all over social media, it would be huge news. The Hollywood good girl falls for the wild insatiable rockstar. They will say you tamed his wild heart, Ophelia, that you softened him. Girls will idolize you and you will be in the spotlight. Just being with Austin will have people believing you have a wild side of your own, Ophelia. For you, Austin, having Ophelia by your side may sweeten the judge at your next hearing as well as the public...make them think you are trying to change," Tracy explains.

"Are you not married?" Oliver asks Ophelia. "I don't fuck around with married women," Austin jumps in before Ophelia has a chance to answer. "Well, it can still work. We can imply that Ophelia cheated on her husband with you, left him for you for a while then went back to him," Tracy says. Austin frowns and shakes his head. "That sounds like a fucked up shit hole of a bitch plan, Tara," he says. "Tracy...her name is Tracy," Ophelia whispers. Austin looks at her and smiles sweetly, "I am sorry baby," he says then turns to look at Tracy. "That sounds like a fucked up shit hole of a bitch plan, Tracy," he says. "No. Hold on, this may work. If you get your heart 'broken' by sweet, sweet Ophelia everyone will feel sorry for you and you could write a whole album based on how you finally found your soul mate and lost her when she dumped you. This could work in your favor. You look softer and Ophelia looks harder," Oliver says. "Yeah and Ophelia also looks like a cheater. Besides, who says her husband would even agree to something like this? Don't PR relationships require some kissing and heavy PDA?" Austin says. "So? Hollywood says they hate cheating but in truth they love it. It's scandalous. Her popularity will shoot up," Xolani says. "Yeah but I don't want to fuck around with another man's wife. I can do girlfriends and even the odd fiancé, but I am not touching wives. I might be a fuck up but I am a fuck up with morals," Austin says. "Actually...I-I am alone. Jim left," Ophelia says. Her voice is so soft she is surprised anyone heard her. She does not know why she told them that, maybe it was the thought of Austin shutting this whole thing down, or maybe it was the thought of Austin thinking she belongs to someone. Whatever it was she just wants him to know that Jim left. That she is alone. What's wrong with her? Jim would be so hurt. "So you are divorced?" Tracy asks "Separated...and starting the divorce proceedings," Ophelia says. Why did she say that? She and Jim are not separated, he's just confused and needs time. He is coming back. Why was she eager to let Austin know this? Maybe it's the way he is smiling at her now, it gives her butterflies in her stomach.

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