I Want you

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"Herbal tea. Smells like shit, tastes like shit too," Austin says coming into her closet just as she finishes dressing. He takes one more sniff of it, screws his face up, and hands it to her. "Thank you," Ophelia giggles then stops abruptly as Austin leans down and speaks to her stomach. "When you break out of there I am never going to let your mother feed you any of that healthy herbal shit. Candy and chocolate milk, my man," he says, silent laughter sparkling in his eyes. Jim would never. He had always acted like she was not even pregnant. This part of the pregnancy she always did alone. But Austin is acting like this baby matters, like they have a future. In the pit of her heart, she knows she won't make it past this week. But it means a whole lot that someone other than herself has hope. That someone other than her loves this sweet little life within her. "You are a very kind man, Austin," she says as he stands up. He cocks his head and pulls her into him. "I am no kinder than other men, baby. Jim was just a full-blown asshole," he says. "May I kiss you?" she asks. Austin laughs and dips his head, "We kiss like a couple of kids in high school. Never been much into kissing...but I like kissing you," he mumbles then kisses her. Ophelia pulls back and looks at him. "May I ask you a question?" she asks. Austin scans Jim's side of the closet after something seemingly catches his eye then looks back down at her. "If it's to ask me how I think Jimbo managed to squeeze his fat ass into those leopard print jeans - I don't think anyone has the answers. Fuck me! Did he buy those on purpose?" Austin asks. Ophelia looks over and rolls her eyes. Jim loves those pants, she is surprised he did not pack them when he left. Although she knows he is coming back soon enough with a team of people to pack up the rest of his stuff. "They were his favorite. They are lowrise so his pubic hair sticks out the top a little. He wore them in public all the time," she explains. "He is a fucking tit. Your question, baby?" Austin prompts.

"Have...you don't have to answer...have you ever been in love?" she asks. Austin chuckles and nods his head. "Yeah. Loads of times. It's fun," he says like it's no big deal to give a little piece of yourself away each time your heart breaks. Like being in love is a game.

"Oh, I thought you had never had a girlfriend."

"I haven't."

"Oh, ok..."

"Baby, it's ok to challenge me. Ask me questions when you don't understand or disagree with me. I won't get mad."

The more time Ophelia spends with Austin the more she feels like he is in her head, but not invasively so. He knows what she is thinking or what she needs before she does sometimes. If she had questioned or challenged Jim it would only lead to hours of hostile words and then a slew of nasty texts. It was exhausting. "How can you be in love if you have never had a girlfriend?" she asks. "Because for the last few years I have been fucking high, baby. I was in love with everyone. Once after a three-day cocaine binge, I married a mannequin. I forgot her at a bus stop. I hope she is happy...wherever she is. Her, I was very much in love with," he says, with a smile teasing his lips. Ophelia starts laughing and Austin's face finally breaks into a wide grin. "I don't think you can legally marry a mannequin," she says. Austin shrugs then bends and lifts her so she is sitting on top of Jim's stupid drawers. "You can't legally take drugs either," he says stepping between her knees. "I had my heart shattered in junior high by a girl who turned me down. I wrote her a song, recorded it, and gave it to her with a bunch of flowers. Found the recorded song and flowers in the bin later. Fucking hurt like a bitch. I cried," he says leaning down and starting to kiss her along her neck. "So you have never let yourself love since then?" Ophelia asks trying to not squeak. She likes Austin kissing her neck. "Of course I vowed to never love again. Then I met River. She was amazing, she made me feel amazing...trouble was she made all the guys on the high school football team feel amazing if you know what I mean. Heartbroken yet again," he says moving on to the other side of her neck. "Oh, ok. Then you vowed for real to never love again," Ophelia says breathlessly.

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