Glory Hole

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"Girlfriend?" Diamond says looking at her up and down. While the rest frown. "Yeah!" Austin says and sits back down. "You don't date. You said that yourself... multiple times," Dimond says. "Well, what can I say? I fell in love. I am a one-woman guy now" he answers, kissing Ophelia's cheek. Dimond's face turns into a glare and Ophelia suspects Dimond would be more than friends with Austin if it was up to her. "Are you not that washed-up actress?" she asks. "Are you not that Hollywood whore?" Austin snaps back at her, his face suddenly red with anger. "Oh Austin!" Ophelia blurts out. She had not meant to, she was just so shocked he would say that. Austin looks at her then at Dimond and sighs. "I am sorry for calling you a whore but please do not speak to her like that," Austin says. Diamond's mouth drops open as does the rest of the group. "Oh...uh... apology accepted," Dimond says, clearly a little shocked at getting an apology from Austin. He is watching her though with an expectant face. "Well I suppose I am sorry too," Dimond throws at Ophelia, it's insincere but Ophelia smiles at her anyway. "Thank you," she says sweetly. Then another girl steps forward, she is even more beautiful than Dimond. "Ruby? I didn't see you there," Austin says. His tone is a little softer and Ophelia is caught off guard by a sudden rush of possessiveness. He stands and hugs her as she smiles at him. Ophelia always tries to get to know someone before she passes judgment but she finds herself disliking Ruby. Only because of the way Austin is acting toward her, its silly. The girl starts speaking softly to Austin and Ophelia finds herself not liking that at all. Diamond sits down in the chair next to Ophelia and grabs her glass of wine, sniffing it. "Well we are all chopped liver now that Ruby is here," she says. Ophelia wants to go home.

"Ruby, this is my girlfriend, Ophelia."

"Girlfriend? But we..." she starts and Ophelia can see the pain in her eyes as her words trail off. "Hi," she says in a small voice offering Ophelia a small smile. "Hi," Ophelia says now feeling bad for her feelings getting the better of her. Ruby looks very hurt. "Austin...could we talk, please," she says. Austin looks a little unsure. Ophelia feels bad for Ruby, they must have had a thing and she thought it was going somewhere. All Austin and Ophelia have is a PR relationship, she didn't think about how much it could mess with real life so she nods at Austin when he looks at her, and then he takes her aside and they start whispering. "Honestly I thought if Austin ever had a girlfriend it would be Ruby," Dimond says. "Were they sleeping together?" Ophelia asks. She shouldn't ask that question it is none of her business who Austin sleeps with. Diamond and all the girls start laughing. Ophelia wants to go home. She looks over at Austin and Ruby and sees they have moved further away, and he is stroking her arm and looking at her with a sorry face. "It's Ophelia, right?" Diamond says. Ophelia nods. "Ok well let me tell you about your boyfriend," she puts the word boyfriend in quotations with her fingers. "Austin has slept with most of us. Some more than others...some with others," she turns to wink at a few girls who giggle. "That's just who he is. Ruby has confessed her love to him and he refused to touch her. Said she would get clingy and push for a relationship. But then a few weeks back he got drunk and you best believe Ruby was right there. He fucked her and now she is convinced they are getting married one day," Dimond says taking a sip of Ophelia's wine. "Is she a nice person?" Ophelia asks. "She is a little pathetic if you ask me. She volunteers at a dog shelter and runs some teen outreach programs on the weekend. She is better than any of us if that's what you are asking," Dimond says. Ophelia feels horrible. Her plan with this whole PR stunt was to change her image not hurt people. She is messing with Ruby's life and from the way she looked, Ophelia can see she is in a lot of pain. She needs to go home. She fishes her phone out of the bag and sends Joe a message.

Can you meet me out back?
Alone. I want to go home.

Yes. I will be waiting.

She grabs her bag and stands. "I am just going to the bathroom," she lies and then leaves the table. She slips past Austin and Ruby, making her way to the kitchen. "Excuse me, I need to get to the back door. My lift is out back," she says to their waitress after paying for the meal, she pays for Ruby and Diamond's table too - a silent apology. The waiter nods and leads her through the kitchen to the back where Joe is waiting for her and rushes up to her when she gets out. "Are you ok? Did he do something?" he asks worriedly. "No, he was great. I just want to go home, please," she says. She feels stupid in this dress and heels, she would never measure up to any of those women. Joe opens her door and she goes to climb in but someone grabs her elbow suddenly and when she looks up she sees it's Austin. "Where are you going, baby?" he asks with a frown. Joe opens his mouth to say something but Ophelia stops him with her hand. "Austin, I think this PR thing was a mistake. I'll never be sexy and vivacious like any of those women in there tonight. I am homey and awkward. I look silly in this dress and heels. I will still speak at your trial, I will tell them all how sweet and kind you are, how wonderful you are. I really hope we stay friends, I like hanging out with you, you are so much fun. But that poor girl in there is very hurt by what we are doing and I feel awful. If you have a chance at a real relationship I don't want to mess that up for you. Thank you for all you have done, it's meant the world to me."

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