Why I Love You

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"There was a rock star that stole my heart. His...thing was so big people said he had three legs. He makes me happy, he made me laugh. He built me up and made me strong. Now the world better watch out because here I come."

Ophelia watches as Austin tries to hide his smile, his eyes still closed. "Wake up, sleepy head. Rod has been calling you all morning and now she is downstairs. She is upset about something. I think she is worried about your hearing," Ophelia says kissing his cheeks. He moves his head and connects their lips, she squeaks in surprise at how hard he kisses her like he is scared she will disappear. He insists she showers with him and keeps reaching out to touch her as they get dressed. He kisses her again and then laces their fingers together as they walk down to the kitchen. He is usually laughing and cracking jokes by now but he seems sullen - must be his hearing. Rod jumps up from her chair and grabs him by the front of his shirt then hauls him outside as soon as they enter the kitchen. Ophelia watches as Rod speaks angrily at him, her arms waving as she talks. She is usually so cool and collected but she looks almost crazy right now. Austin stands with his head bowed and lets her talk then he lifts his head and says something to her. Rod's face crumbles and she cries into her hands, Austun grabs her shoulders and pulls her to his chest, hugging her tightly. What is going on? Ophelia swallows thickly, whatever has upset Rod is pretty bad. "I think her and Oliver got into a fight. I heard her on the phone with him earlier," Aubrey says as she walks into the kitchen. Oh, that makes sense, she is sure Rod hates fighting with Oliver. Then she watches as Rod steps out of Austin's arms and says something to him. Austin looks at her for a long time then shakes his head. Ophelia and Aubrey gasp when Rod suddenly slaps him then turns on her heel and storms off. She does not come inside but chooses to walk around the side of the house, leaving without saying goodbye.

Don't get it wrong, Ophelia is very angry and if she had been outside she would have tried to stop Rod. Even now, she has to hold herself back from running out to him. But, Austin looks like he needs a second alone as he lights a cigarette and walks off into the garden. She does not know the dynamics of his relationship with Rod fully. They have a whole lifetime, while all Ophelia has is just for now. Her heart squeezes at the thought. Their time is almost up, she can feel it. She woke this morning and saw a text from her lawyer that her divorce was finalized and she wanted to celebrate - she did, for a second, but then dread filled her. With the divorce finalized and Austins hearing today they have almost come to an end. But she is going on tour with him next week so she has at least a month with him. Hank had arrived early this morning and she had snuck into her closet with him as Austin slept and they had placed all the fake stuff into the draws. She watched Hank very carefully around her underwear drawer.
Aubrey had made him breakfast while he had prescribed a message from her to Austin on the back of the black watch and then he had left.

The end is drawing near, but she has a month left with him and so she is going to make the most of it. She knows he asked her not to ask him to stay again but she is going to. She does not know what he wants family-wise, they have never discussed that far in the future. She can't find it in her to go through another miscarriage so she does not want to get pregnant, she hopes he would be ok with not having children. She will talk to him while on tour and straighten everything out. She has a month and she is going to make the best of it. Austin walks back in and hands her a bunch of tulips from her garden. They took her years to grow and get right but she does not care that he has pulled them out in their prime. She gives him her best smile and takes them then wraps her arms around him. "Are you ok?" she whispers. "Yeah, sometimes siblings fight but it will all work out in the end. Ready to go?" he whispers back. Ophelia pulls out of his arms and hands Aubrey the tulips then follows an unusually sad-looking Austin out to the car.


"Mr. Post, I have to say that I was not surprised when your file landed on my desk. Just another junked-up rockstar," the judge says from the head of the large table. "Given miss Lovit's circumstances I took the liberty of meeting her at the hospital. She tells me a very different story to the one you just shared."

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