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She wakes with an echoed thud coming from downstairs. At first, she feels relief, Jim has come to his senses and come back to her then when her thoughts sink in relief turns to sadness. Jim has come back? She is not sure she actually wants him back. It's late afternoon now, and the sky is slowly turning dark which means she watched movies and fell asleep for most of the afternoon. Something Jim would never have allowed. He would have had her combing through the four movie scripts that are currently sitting on the kitchen island. Her current movie only has one week left of production and Jim had been pushing for her to sign onto a new movie. She had wanted to take a break but Jim had called her lazy - now that he is gone maybe she will take a break. She hears something break and a hissing swear and then her heart drops. Right, Jim is back. She should be happy - he is her husband. She climbs out of the bed and makes her way down the stairway to her front hall. Something in her front yard catches her eye and so she stops to look out the window. What is that? Is that the pearl white Rolls Royce she had seen out back at the PR building? Oh no, had that man followed her home? Is he stalking her? She drops down on the floor and then peeps back out the window. She can't see anyone. She needs to call the police so she pats her pockets then remembers that she left her phone in the kitchen. She can't stand up, her stalker could be anywhere so she leopard crawls through the reception hall, into the hallway, and down to the kitchen. Keeping low as possible. As she crawls into the kitchen she knocks her head onto a pair of boots. Jim? No. These boots are much bigger and in much better taste than Jim would ever wear. She looks up and sees Austin standing above her. "Now, baby, usually I have to buy a woman dinner before she gets on her knees," he says with a smirk. Ophelia's mouth drops open at his remark, he has no shame then she squeaks when he then bends down and picks her up off the floor.

"Wanna tell me why you are slithering around on the floor?" he asks, brushing dirt off her hoodie. "I think someone followed me home. A stalker...his car is out front," she says, staying close to Austin. He looks over the top of her head and through the window near the front door then frowns. "You talking about that Rolls?" he asks. Ophelia nods and moves a little closer to Austin, she may be taking advantage of his body heat in this freezing cold house. "Relax, that's my car," he says chuckling. Ophelia does not know what he finds funny. She was genuinely scared and now confused as to why he is in her house. How is he in her house? Is he the stalker? He has been to prison after all. She takes a step back and looks over his shoulder for her phone. Maybe she should still phone the police. Austin is not just giving off bad boy he is a menace, the real deal. Although it may sound a little fun doing 'bad girl' things in truth Ophelia does not know how she would actually manage it. She would be so busy doing something bad to someone and then writing them apology letters that she would have a very hard time. Is she scared of Austin? Does she think Austin would hurt her? Maybe, if she had not seen something resembling worry flash across his face for a second before he made that comment about her being on her knees she would be worried. Also his eyes - the rest of him, how he dresses, his tattoos, his face, his hands, his clothing are hard but his eyes are soft. No, Austin would never hurt her and she is not scared of him.

"Why are you here?"

"To see you, baby."

"How did you get in through my gate?"

"I paid off your security guard."

"How did you get into my house?"

"Back door was open."

"Why didn't you ring my doorbell?"

"Now where's the fun in that?" 

"Wait..." Ophelia says and then trails off as she reaches for one of the kitchen chairs and sits down. "You paid off my security guard?" she asks dumbfounded. He knows she is alone here and he still lets someone in without her knowing. She has had that security guard for three years, she has always been good to him, and paid him well, way above average pay. Yet the first man who approaches him with cash he just lets him into her home? She didn't think they were friends but she at least thought she had some loyalty there. "Yeah, he opened the gate for twenty bucks," Austin says. This is too much. first Jim leaves, then Jessica acts even shadier than usual, her only way out is a PR stunt with a man she gets so nervous around that she constantly forgets how to breathe and now her security guard thinks so lowly of her he is prepared to let some man come into her home for pocket change. She hates crying and she always tries to stop, she to stop herself now but her tears are already down her cheeks before she can do anything about it. "Oh no, no please don't cry. I can't do crying. What do you want? Do you have alcohol in this house? I have weed in my car, cocaine, uppers, poppers too if you want that," Austin asks. For the first time since she has met him he looks a little more human, a little frazzled even. Ophelia manages a small smile and shakes her head. "No thank you, just a paper towel over there by the stove please," she requests. Austin turns and grabs the whole roll then gives it to her.

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