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"Cockblock," Austin grumbles at Leon as he gets out of the car. Ophelia had stopped him before he had gotten too far. "Thank you," Leon says to Ophelia with a grin and a wink. Austin gives him a pointed look and pulls Ophelia with him to the jet. "I am going to fire him when we get back," he grumbles. "No, you won't," Ophelia and Leon say at the same time. They see Diamond is half asleep on one of the jet couches as they get in, "I am so glad you drag us along to all your bullshit, it means so much, truly," she says sarcastically. "Aww, come here puppy, come sleep with me while those assholes gape at each other," she adds leaning over and grabbing Flower then rolling over and cuddling her. "We could leave you behind if you like," Austin says and she lifts her hand, flicking him off.

"Ok, the plane is all checked. As soon as the rest get here we can go," Joe says coming in from the back of the plane. "Joe, you are not working now. This is my wedding and you are a guest," Ophelia says. "My job is a twenty-four hour, seven days a week kind of job, Diamond. If miss Monroe is on the move then I am on the move. I am like a shadow, a stealthy cat waiting to pounce. I am on full alert at all times, even with my eyes closed! To serve and protect, Diamond, to serve and protect! Leave the man to do his job, Ophelia, otherwise I will get an ear full for days," Diamond mumbles. Ophelia giggles as Joe shakes his head at Diamond's back.

"Soon you will have to call her Mrs. Post," Austin says with a grin. Joe frowns and leans in close. "You are not good enough for her. She will remain Miss Monroe until you finish jumping through all the hoops...and you are a long way off," Joe says, Ophelia can see he is hiding his smile. Austin looks at him for a second then grabs his cheeks and plants a kiss on his lips. Joe pushes him off, "you are like a big fucking baby. You're insane!" Joe says wiping his mouth. "Told you," Leon says walking past. "Joe, we are best friends now. I will tell you all my secrets and we can have sleepovers, and build bunk beds...hey where are you going?" Austin asks as Joe turns around and walks off to the back of the plane with Leon. "Too far?" he turns and looks at Ophelia.

"I think he likes you."

"Yeah, I think so too, baby."

They turn when they hear someone stamping up the jet stairs. It's Oliver and he looks like he has seen a ghost. He hands Cassie to Ophelia who sequels with excitement when she sees Ophelia.

"Take this baby, she does not sleep, she shits all over the place and I need alcohol with the shit my wife just landed on me," he says pushing past them to the alcohol tray. Rod walks in with a smile and hugs Ophelia.

"Hi, congratulations, and also...I am pregnant again."

"It's not my baby! I have one already, I can't have two! That's not even a thing!" Oliver shouts and spins off the bottle cap of a whisky bottle lifting it to his lips. "If that passes your lips, you will get a beating. Cassie needs changing, she has shat her nappy again," Rod warns and Oliver groans. "Fucking kids!" he shouts. "I am never having a baby," Diamond says. "Thank goodness," Oliver, Rod, and Austin say together - Diamond flicks them all off as Ophelia giggles. "Austin and I will change her," Ophelia says taking the baby bag from Rod and walking to the back of the plane. "I love you," Oliver says to her as she walks past with Austin following her. "Ok wait, baby, have you seen how much she shits? Baby, baby, no don't open that...oh fuck...I can't breathe...I am going to be sick...fuck! What the fuck are you guys feeding her?...ok...no...I can't!" Austin says while gagging.

"She is on solids now, her shit is rank," Oliver laughs and Austin gags again. Ophelia giggles and cleans Cassie up then picks her up and cuddles her. "Your uncle is a big baby," she coos. "I am not, see, I am fine," Austin says but gags again when Ophelia hands him Cassie's dirty nappy.

"Ooh, are you serving vegan dishes on this jet? Smells amazing," Sadie says walking onto the jet, Liam, Java, Lacy, and Aubrey following her. "Sure, here," Austin says handing her the nappy. "Ok, everyone in their seats. We are taking off," Joe announces. Ophelia, along with everyone sits down and watches as Cassie falls asleep on her lap as they take off. She wonders what her babies would have looked like, but she shakes her head and rids herself of the thought as she looks out the window. "You have gone quiet, what's going in that pretty little head?" Austin whispers. Ophelia turns to look at him, giving a little smile. "I was thinking about what my babies would have looked like," she whispers. Austin smiles at her softly. "I think they would have looked like you. Big brown eyes and soft hearts. They would have given sweet hugs and made everyone fall in love with them...we would all be fucked," he says softly, Ophelia giggles and nods. "I also feel bad about Evan," she says. Austin's face falls a little and he looks down at his hands. "You loved him," he whispers, he's hurt but trying not to show it for her sake. Ophelia sighs, "I didn't. I tried, I tried very hard to and I tried to stop loving you - but it just never happened. Evan was lovely, he was kind and sweet, and very patient with me. It should have been easy to fall in love with him. Now, here I am on a jet to my wedding with you on the day Evan and I split and I feel a little mean. But, we are here and it's just normal like the last three years never happened. Like at a snap of our fingers we have just picked up where we left off, it's a little weird but also just so normal, but also...it's just...I feel a little mean," Ophelia tries to explain.

"Evan...Even is a nice guy...wait that gave me indigestion," he groans grabbing his chest and leaning forward as he screws his face up. He sits up and takes a deep breath, and tries again. "Evan is great," he starts but he can't get his words out without screwing his face. Joe rolls his eyes and hands him a glass of whisky which he gladly takes and swallows in one gulp. "Ok, Evan is a great guy, fucking fantastic! I want to kill him, rip his eyes out, and shove them up his ass. Hold him underwater while he thrashes around desperate for air and then his body goes limp when the life drains out of him. I want to take a big knife and-"


"Sorry, baby... it's been a long year."

"Evan was very good to me, he looked after me. Please don't be mean."

"I am sorry, I know, I know. I just think about him touching you and want to...to...take this big knife, like a hunting knife with a jagged edge-"


Ophelia gives him a warning look and then nods at Oliver to take Cassie from her. This is a bit of a private conversation to have out here. Oliver stands and takes Cassie from Ophelia then shakes his head at Austin. "So much violence," he says as he walks away. Ophelia stands and takes Austin's hand, leading him to a more private part of the plane in the back. "Austin, I understand it's a hard pill to swallow and I don't want to make things harder for you. But I need you to respect Evan and the relationship we had. I know that you were not celibate over these last few years and it hurts but it's a choice we made. If we harp on it, it may just pull us apart and I refuse to let that happen," Ophelia says as nicely as she can. Austin nods. "I know and I agree. It's just that he..." he touches all over his body, "and I want to..." he strangles himself, "you know what I mean?" he asks. Ophelia nods and raises her eyebrows, "yes, Austin, I know what you mean," she says then gives him a pointed look. Austin looks down, shame on his face. "Let's not do this, sweetheart, ok? Please," she says softly climbing on his lap and resting her head on his shoulder. "You are right, we had things to do, but we are here now and that's all that matters, but...was his cock-"


Ophelia sits up and turns so she has her back to the rest of the plane and then opens her shirt so Austin can see her breasts. He groans and buries his face in them. "They are so beautiful, really they are, I just want to rub my face in them all the time," Austin mumbles. "You can, every day for the rest of our life. Now, we're going to marry the fuck out of each other and tomorrow when Diamond announces her pregnancy you are not going to not say any dumb shit, and then you are going to take me home...to Utah, ok?"

"Ok, baby, ok," Austin says absent-mindedly as he rubs his face in her breasts. Then he pulls out and looks at her with big eyes. "Oh shit, Diamond's pregnant?" he squeaks out. "Yes, she told me the other day," Ophelia says. Austin peeps around her and looks at Diamond. "We are all fucked now...is that why she keeps shoving those cheese balls down her throat?" Austin asks, Ophelia turns her head to see Diamond shoveling handfuls of cheese balls into her mouth and then turns back to look at Austin. "Yes. She was waiting for the perfect time to announce it and I think our wedding reception will do just fine...can I close my shirt now?"

"No," Austins says burying his face in her breasts again as Ophelia giggles. "I have something else to show you," she says and Austin lifts his head to look at her. "Is it shaven? Does it hold all my hopes and dreams?" he says running his hand between her thighs. Ophelia giggles and bats his roaming hands away then stands and pulls her waistband down a little to expose his spot on her hip. Austin's mouth drops open and he grabs her hips pulling her closer as he examines her tattoo. "Is that me in a chef's hat flipping a pancake?" he breathes out. Ophelia nods and smiles, "It reminds me of when I was at my weakest but you made me feel my strongest," she says softly. Austin looks up at her and smiles that bright sunshine smile of his. "You are perfect, you know that?" he says and then pulls her into him. "Everyone look away! I am going in!" he shouts as the plane erupts in groans and pleas for him to calm the fuck down but he ignores them as he jumps on a giggling Ophelia as she tries to wriggle away from him.

And that's Ophelias forever...with Austin.


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