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Austin had ordered breakfast for everyone and Ophelia helps Aubrey set it out while he wakes everyone up and makes them clean up. "Wow, I won't have anything left to clean today after he is done," Aubrey giggles to Ophelia. "Well if your day is not busy then you can help us lock down a stylist. I have three coming in today to show us their stuff and if I am being honest Ophelia and I have no idea what we are doing when it comes to offense," Lacy says turning to Ophelia. Ophelia looks down at her pastel pink dress and then back at Lacy. "None taken," she giggles. "Fashion? I can help. That's my thing," Diamond says coming into the kitchen with Austin behind her. She picks up a slice of fruit but Austin takes it out of her hand, putting it back on the platter. "That's for my baby," he says. Diamond shrugs and grabs a handful of nuts. "Thank you, Diamond, I would appreciate that very much. You dress beautifully and if you have no plans for the day your help would be welcome. I can pay you for your time too if you like," Ophelia says. Diamond stops chewing on her nuts and looks at Ophelia for a beat. "You know, you must be the sweetest person I have ever met. I want to wrap you up in feathers. Friends don't pay for friend's time, I am happy just to help out," Diamond says. Ophelia smiles, Diamond called her, her friend and there doesn't seem to be any strings attached to that. She looks at Austin who is now sitting at the kitchen island across from her piling his plate full of food. He grins and winks at her. "This looks lovely, thank you so much for getting this for us, Austin," Ruby says placing her hand on Austin's arm. He smiles up at her but then removes her hand gently. "You are welcome, Ruby, but please don't touch me like that anymore. Ophelia has asked you not to and I would like you to respect that," he says his voice gentle. Ruby looks hurt but she doesn't say anything. The rest of Austin's friends come into the kitchen then, laughing and chatting, and Austin joins in with their conversations. Ruby reaches for the sliced fruit but Diamond slaps her hand away. "That's for Austin's baby," she says. Ruby takes her hand back and sighs as she looks around the table at the other platters. Ophelia pushes the sliced fruit platter to her and smiles as kindly as she can. "It's ok, there is enough for both of us, we can share. I don't mind. The mango is amazing," she says, picking up a piece of mango. Ruby gives her a small smile and takes a slice of mango too. "Thank you," she whispers. "Baby! My hands are cold come sit here," Austin calls her and she moved to sit next to him. He places his hand on her knee and kisses her cheek as she blushes from the attention in front of everyone, she feels like the center of attention, it's a lot when you felt like a ghost most of your life.

Everyone cleans up after breakfast, ignoring Aubrey's pleas to not as she will have nothing to do, and then they leave. Leaving only Ophelia, Austin, Diamond, Ruby, Aubery, and Lacy. Ophelia takes Diamond up to her closet to show her, her clothes. Diamond suggests they donate everything to an old age home or burn it. "How did you get to this point? Are famous rich people not supposed to be in with the latest fashion? My mother wore this in the '60s," she says holding up a purple jumpsuit. "My husband, ex-husband, chose what I wore. He said this keeps me down to earth," Ophelia says. "This his side of the closet?" Diamond asks scrunching her nose and looking through some of his stuff. Ophelia nods. "Do you mind telling me why you guys split?" she asks. "He was cheating on me with my PA," Ophelia explains. Diamond looks over at Lacy with big eyes. "Not me. I have morals," Lacy is quick to defend herself. "You keeping them for any particular reason?" Diamond asks. Ophelia shakes her head and looks around for Austin neither he nor Ruby are around, something sparks in her chest. Something is not right. "I...umm...well they are his clothes so I didn't think I have a right to do anything with them," Ophelia says stepping toward the closet door. "Did he buy them? I heard he was a sleazy bastard that lived off your money," Diamond says. Ophelia stops and turns back to Diamond. In the past when anyone would say that she would jump to Jim's defense. But she doesn't feel the need to now. She does not want to. "It's true. I bought everything in that closet," she says. "Well then, it's yours and you can do anything you like with these rubbish clothes," Diamond says. Ophelia can hear voices coming from the bedroom so she turns and peeps her head out. Austin is sitting on the bed, both legs bouncing and his hands are shaking. His face is twisted in pain and he has a line of sweat above his top lip. Ruby is talking to him in a hushed tone. They look like they are having a private conversation so she should leave them be but from the way Austin looks, she can't. She steps out of the closet and moves a little closer then her blood boils when she hears what Ruby is saying. "Just take a couple of pills, it would make you feel better, or take like three lines of coke. You are in pain, let me look after you," she says and holds out both hands to him. "I don't want to, Ruby. I don't want to be dependent on that stuff anymore," he says in a strained voice. "Come on, Austie. It will help," she says. His eyes flick to Ophelia and he looks ashamed. "Help me, baby, please," he almost cries. Ophelia walks forward and grabs the drugs in Ruby's hands and then takes Austin's hand. "Come with me, sweetheart," she says and pulls him gently to the bathroom. She opens the toilet, "put out your hands," she whispers, he does, and then she drops the pills and cocaine into them. "You have a choice, sweetheart, you can take those pills. I won't be mad at you and I will look after you while you come down, or you can throw them in the toilet," she says. Austin looks at the pills and Ophelia can see he desperately wants to take them. She waits with bated breath, she really hopes he throws them in the toilet - but he needs to make that choice for himself. He does not need them. He plays with them for a while then looks at her and smiles. "I don't need are my drug now," he says then drops them in the toilet and flushes the handle. "Yay!" she shouts and jumps up and down clapping her hands while Austin laughs. "Now I have a prize for you," she says grabbing his hand and pulling him excitedly to her closet, past a sulking Ruby. She moves him in front of Jim's clothing and then stands against the closet with her arms spread out. "We are going to take all these clothes that I paid for and burn them! A big raging fire!" she says. Austin smiles, "Yes, baby!" he cheers and then grabs her and spins her around as she giggles. Lacy, Aubrey, and Diamond all cheer too, and then Diamond grabs a hand full of clothing and runs out. "I love fire!" she shouts as she runs. "Me too!" Austin shouts, putting Ophelia down and grabbing his own pile, running after Aubrey and Lacy who have piles of their own. Well, that took his mind off the drugs. Ophelia grabs a pile and those ugly pants of his and walks out of the closet then stops in front of Ruby.

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