My Home

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It's always hard to say goodbye to her parents but this time feels a little easier, only because Ophelia feels they got so much joy out of their visit and promise to visit now more often with the prospect of their future visits being more welcoming. Her parents are off to meet friends who are waiting to celebrate her father's Bigfoot sighting and so he hugs her with a proud smile. She could not be more thankful to Austin for helping to keep that twinkle in her father's eye alive. She fusses over them while Austin stands back and does not moan at her to hurry up, he waits patiently until she is ready to part with them and then gently leads her away while she sniffles, stopping to buy her a travel mug with Bigfoot on it at a tourist shop in the little town nearby their campsite to soothe her sad little heart, she buys him Bigfoot slippers to soothe his sad little heart at having lost his Sunshine to Moonbeam yet again.

"Right, baby, directions!" he declares as they climb back into the camper. Ophelia looks at him, confused. 

"The spa?"

"Oh? You would really go to a spa with me?"

"I would go anywhere with you."

"Well, I forgot...I just said that because I was on a power tip. There is no spa. I am sorry."

"You let the power get to your head, huh? Where are we anyway?"

"Just outside Utah."

"Well, I know a place...if you are willing to follow me without any questions."

"I'll follow you blindly."

Austin laughs and then checks his phone for a map. "Ok, it's a five-hour trip. Think you can muster up the courage to venture into the unknown with me, baby?" he says starting the camper.

"Do I have a choice?"

"Not fucking one!" he laughs and pulls the camper forward, stalling it. "Oops, still trying to master that. Ok, second time - let's go," he laughs and starts the camper again, taking off with a slightly smoother jerk.

An hour into the trip Ophelia gets a message from her lawyer that Jim is raging and is demanding everything but that the prenup her father had helped set up is iron clad and she has the choice of giving him nothing, but Jim is threatening to go to the media with lies about her so the lawyer suggests she give him something but the catch is that he signs an NDA. After Austin swears to kill him in a dark alley he agrees that is probably a good idea. She does too, Jim's lies would be vindictive and nasty. She offers only the things in the drawers but notes she does not have a key and claims to not know what's in there, so she offers him one of her cars, but she gets to pick which one.

"What?! A car? That's bullshit,"  Austin grumbles. Ophelia giggles and shakes her head. "Joe came to me with an old beat-up milk van. I bought him a Farrie a few birthdays ago and because I am sentimental I took over his old milk van. I don't know if it works though," she says. Austin laughs, "you sneaky little minx. I love it! Remind me not to get on the bad side of you, baby," he says. "You couldn't even if you tried," she says leaning over to kiss his cheek. She sits back in her chair and watches the countryside whizz past, she had a busy night last night and is not surprised when she feels her eyes grow heavy and then falls asleep.

"There once was a beautiful movie star that fell asleep on a long-ass road trip and left the worlds sexiest rockstar to entertain himself. He nearly crashed the camper twice, but she slept right through. Her hair is cut in a shaggy brown bob, and her long eyelashes sweep her cheeks and hide her beautiful big brown eyes. Her lips, full and plump look best when wrapped around my cock. Her nipples taste like beer and her heaven, all shaven and...shit, sings to me - sweet songs of secrets and promises."

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