Goodbyes Are Hard

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Ophelia's day goes by in a little bit of a blur. She finds herself checking the time and counting down to three like they do in those high school movies. She wants to be around Austin - he makes her feel good and she loves the feeling. But she has not had a bad day and finds it productive still. Aubrey is really nice, she happily gives Ophelia a rundown of her life and work experience. She comes from a family of five sisters, she is the middle sister, so she understands the meaning of loyalty and having someone's back. She has just finished her studies in hospitality and is busy with a culinary degree. Her plan will be to work for Ophelia and study at the same time. Ophelia would be her first real employer and she promises to do her best. She also takes a boxing class and says that she hopes Jim show's up at the house - she will teach him some manners.  Ophelia finds herself liking Aubrey more and more as the day goes along, and Lacy too. But she is careful and finds herself a little more guarded given how rotten her past employees had been so when she gets a chance she pulls Joe to the side and asks his advice.

"What do you think, Joe?"

"I think they are both nice, they talk a lot, but they seem genuine. I also have not seen you this happy before and although I think that smile has a lot more to do with Austin than anyone else I do think those girls have helped to keep it on your face all day. I trust Austin's team. He may be reckless and a loose cannon but he was clever when it came to picking his team - they are all devoted to him. They have his back and it seems like you mean a great deal to him so they have your back too."

"You spoke to his team?"

"Yup. Oliver, Rod, and Leon met with me and gave me a rundown of the plan. Things are looking up for you Miss Monroe and I am here for it. Now that it looks like Jim is done I can tell you that I think he is a dick and an asshole and an idiot. I am glad he is gone."

Ophelia giggles into her hand. She hates talking poorly about anyone and poor old Jim has been the target of everyone's angry words of late. But Joe is not wrong. "You never made out that you liked him. I think he knew all along that you did not like him," she said. Joe nods and slings his arm around her shoulders. He is not much older than her either and both Liam and her have found Joe to have a comical older brother vibe. "That is true, Miss Monroe. But I will tell you who I do like...Austin. I like him very much and whatever the outcome of this stunt is I think he will be good for you," he says. Ophelia agrees. She thinks Austin is going to teach her a lot, as he already has, and she is confident she will flourish into the woman she had always hoped to be. "I am not afraid to be alone anymore, Joe...that's big, right?" she says. "Yeah, that's big," Joe says with a smile. "Hey, we are done for the day here, Ophelia. What are your plans?" Lacy asks walking up to them. " are asking me?" Ophelia asks. Jessica usually planned her day and she just followed along. "Well you are the boss and we plan our day around you," Lacy says handing her a large envelope. "Ok. Could we go to Austin's studio? And what is this?" Ophelia asks holding up the large envelope. "Of course, do you want to go now? And that," Lacy points at the envelope, "are scripts that were sent over by Xolani. He says they are very different from anything you have ever done and he wants you to keep an open mind," Lacy says. Ophelia nods already walking toward her car. She has a feeling in the pit of her stomach - something feels wrong suddenly and it's Austin that she wants. He'll calm her, she just knows it. Aubrey tells them a story of a trip she took with one of her sisters some years back to Egypt as Joe maneuvers the car through the busy LA streets. Aubrey's story is funny but Ophelia's mind is elsewhere so she takes her cues from Lacy and laughs when she laughs.

Something feels wrong and her fears are confirmed when she feels a dull pain in her stomach. She knows what's going to happen over the next few hours, no one can stop it. It's odd though - where she once wished for her room, alone and quiet now she is wishing for Austin, his warm hands and bright smile. So she is relieved when Joe stops the car outside what must be Austin's studio. "I think it's sweet how much you miss each other when you are apart. I never would have pictured you two as an item but...I think you guys make a sweet couple," Aubrey says. Ophelia jumps out of the car and smiles at her. "Thank you. I would like to offer you the position. It's yours if you like," she says. Aubrey hugs her excitedly and hops around. "Yes, yes! I will take it. Thank you," she says. Ophelia feels good about making Aubrey feel good. "I am finished working for the day so you both can go home, and enjoy the afternoon," Ophelia says to both Aubrey and Lacy. "I will walk you in then come back and take you, girls home," Joe says already leading Ophelia into the studio building. The receptionist greets her like she knew she was coming and leads her down to the studio Austin is busy in once she has said goodbye to Joe. When she enters the studio she can hear Austin's voice and music pump through the speakers as he sings in the booth. Everyone turns to look at who has walked into the door then they smile when they see it's her. They are all very pleased to see her. It's still an odd feeling to have so many people want to have her around. Rod waves her over to join her on a large comfy couch in the corner. She is pleased to see that she will have an unobstructed view of Austin when she sits down. Rod is busy on her laptop and greets her wholeheartedly as she sits down. Austin's back is to her as he has not seen her but he turns slowly as he sings and then his whole face lights up like a Christmas tree when they make eye contact. He had really meant what he had said that morning about him wanting her there. Austin stops singing and pulls off his headphones, ignoring everyone's groaning.

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