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"Ok, tell me your plan," Ophelia says into Austin's chest. Not quite ready to get off his lap. "Hank has mad skills. He can make the best fakes in the world. I want him to make fakes of all this shit and when Jim comes for his stuff he will get what he is worth...sweet fuck all," he explains. Ophelia sits up and looks at Austin in shock. "But that's dishonest," she says. Austin smiles and shakes his head, "no, that's fucking karma, baby. She will bite him in his ass and it's what he fucking deserves. We are just helping it along," he says. "I don't know," Ophelia says skeptically, bracing in anticipation for Austin to finally lose his cool with her. She knows her skittish personality is tiresome to most. But he does not, instead, he shrugs and smiles at her sweetly. "We can go and come back once you have had some time to think about this...it's up to you, baby, this is your life. I am only opening the door - you choose to step through it or not," he says without a hint of annoyance. Ophelia trusts him. "I trust you," she says offering him a smile as she wipes her cheeks and stands up. Austin winks at her and she feels really proud that she has not only taken control and made a decision but she has also pleased Austin and she really likes that.

"Well, well, well look what the cat dragged in," a voice says from behind her. Austin's face lights up and he stands. Ophelia turns to see a small man in the doorway decorated with so much gold jewelry it almost blinds Ophelia. His mouth drops open when he sees Ophelia, "Oh shit! You are Ophelia Monroe!" the man says then moves toward her like he is going to hug her but Austin bats his hands away. "No touching, Hank," Austin says. Hank shrugs and then moves to the other side if the desk and sits down. Austin sits down too and Ophelia follows. "Wow. I never thought I would have Ophelia Monroe in my office let alone be anywhere near the likes of you," Hank says pointing at Austin with a grin. Austin flicks him off with a laugh and leans forward in his chair. "I am a changed man, Hank. A man in love and I need you to help me look after my girl here," Austin says. Hank looks at Austin and then at Ophelia with big eyes. "A man in love? Blink twice if he is holding you hostage," He says. Ophelia giggles and then laces her fingers through Austin's - a show of solidarity. "Well, fuck me. I never thought I would see the day my buddy got all soft and loved up...I think I might just cry," Hank says wiping fake tears from under his eyes. "Shut up, Hank. We are here for a reason and can do without your bullshit," Austin says, Ophelia can see his grin though. Hank puts his hands up in defense and then gestures for Austin to talk, to give an explanation as to why they are here. "I want you to make fakes of all the pieces in that bag," he says pointing to Ophelia's bag on the table. Hank slides the bag toward himself and then takes out each piece and insects it. Ophelia watches him carefully and almost giggles when his eyes bulge as he lifts the very expensive watch out of the bag. After he has checked every piece a second time he then sits back in his chair and fixes Austin with a hard stare and then he looks over at Ophelia but his stare falters and softens.

"I could buy a house with what's here...I could buy two houses. Also, this is all men's jewelry. What's going on here?" he asks. Ophelia looks over at Austin. "Go on, baby," he says with a comforting squeeze of her hand. "Well," she starts and turns back to Hank, "this stuff belongs to my ex. Well...to me actually. He bought it behind my back with the money I earned while he sat on his butt playing house with his girlfriend in my house...in my bed. Now he is trying to take everything I have. I tried to treat him with respect and love during our marriage but nothing I ever did was good enough. He told me daily that I was pathetic and stupid and a waste of space. Sometimes he felt he did not do enough damage with his words so he would slap me or punch me...a few times he even kicked me. I want you to make fakes of everything here and so when he asks for his jewelry he gets what he deserves, he gets what he is worth and that's fakes - just like he is," Ophelia says. She knows it's information that Hank does not need or probably cares about but it feels good to say it out loud and once she started she just could not stop. "I hope your ex rots in hell. I will do it. I will make all these pieces look like perfect fakes. I will also make this paperwork look real and change your name to his. That way when he tries to sell the fake shit the jewelers will hit him up for fraud. Asshole is going down," Hank says. "Thank you," Austin says through clenched teeth then stands. Ophelia stands too and now feels nervous. The mood in the room has darkened, Austin looks like he is about ready to explode, and even Hank seems to know not to test him. "Get it done as soon as possible," Austin says and opens the door then gestures for Ophelia to walk through. "Thank you, Hank," Ophelia says quietly as she walks out.

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