Losing You

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Ophelia finds a way up onto the roof. She does not need to because Austin's home has huge windows offering views of Salt Lake City and the mountain from every room at every angle, but she wants the roof so she climbs out and then carefully climbs onto the roof. She had been right, the view from the roof was no better than any of the other rooms. But she is still happy she had decided to climb out. They had been here for five days and when Austin said they had to go back to LA today she had had to swallow the lump in her throat. She wonders if Austin would let her take Emmett with her, they had become great friends and he gave the best bear hugs every day on her way to the kitchen to make after-sex morning coffee or after-sex afternoon tea or after-sex midnight snacks for her and Austin, they have alot of sex. From up here she can see Austin walking in and out of the house while he packs the Rolls in the driveway. His lawyer had phoned yesterday to say that his court date has been set. Lucky for him he is rich and famous so they are holding a mediation in the lawyer's office only. Now that Diamond is part of this whole mess Austin does not want Ophelia anywhere near the matter, he is scared it will ruin her reputation. But the thing is, now that Austin has helped build her confidence she feels pretty good at putting her foot down and insisting on getting her way - sweetly so. She told him under no uncertain terms that she will be there, between him and Diamond, and she will speak for them both.

Austin said he would tie her up to stop her from coming and when she asked him to show her how he would tie her up that only lead to sex and then Emmitt got an extra hug on her way to the kitchen for a bottle of water. "Baby!" she hears Austin call from inside the house. She should let him know she is up here but she is not ready to leave yet so she sits and looks out over Salt Lake City while she listens to him running up and down the house calling her name. After a while, he pops out in front and looks pointlessly into the Rolls then stands with his hand on his hip while he scratches his head. He looks cute so confused. "I am up here, sweetheart!" she shouts down at him from the roof. He looks up, confused, and then his face turns angry when he sees her. "Ophelia! Get down from there! You could slip and break your fucking neck!" he shouts. Ophelia giggles and starts to stand up carefully. "No! Stay where you fucking are! Do not fucking move!" he shouts and then dashes inside. Moments later she hears him climbing out of the window and then he moves carefully to her, sitting down next to her and wrapping her in his arms. "You fucking scared me, baby," he says kissing the side of her head. "Your roof is flat," she says. "I give no fucks. Don't do this again," he says. "You say that like I will ever be back here," she whispers, now a little sad at the prospect. Austin reaches into his pocket and pulls out a house key then places it in her hand. "You can come here anytime, you don't even have to call...we will always be friends, baby," he says kissing the side of her face. "Won't that be weird?" she asks looking at him. "We are in a PR relationship, a relationship designed to make people believe that we have fallen in love, yet we fuck and say we love each other...that's weird," he says. "I mean me being here just as a friend - I would want to touch you," she says. Austin laughs. "I fuck my friends, you can touch all you want," he says. Ophelia smiles at him and puts the key in her pocket, resting her head on his chest. She will keep the key forever, but she knows as well as he does that she will never use it. She has every intention in staying friends with Austin, she could never really cut him out of her life but she could not come here, she could not see him physically again - it would hurt too much. She is with him for right now but she knows she will love him forever. Seeing him fall out of love with her and into love with someone else will cut worse than any scare Jim ever tried to give her.

"Time to go, baby," he whispers and kisses the top of her head then stands and takes her hand firmly in his, scared she will slide off this very flat roof. He fusses with her as she climbs down and back through the window and then he rolls his eyes with a smirk when she gives Emmett one last hug before following Austin out to his Rolls. Leaving his home and Utah plays heavy on him, Ophelia can see his shoulders sag ever so slightly. If she was his real partner she would convince him to live full-time in Utah, just to see his happy smile, his Utah smile every morning. The trip back to LA is long so they only reach it at night and so Aubrey makes reservations at the restaurant with big windows for them. It's a media shitstorm, they have been quiet for three weeks so every photographer seems to be there waiting for them and the size of fans have seemed to doubled. Her name is being screamed louder than Austins now and Ophelia is a little shocked by how easy it was to get the world to love her again - she has not even started on her movies yet. Fear creeps up her spine and she hopes Austin does not realize, he might just go if he thinks it's time. She grips tighter to his hand but he looks at her and without saying a word she knows he is thinking the same thing.

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