Saiyan Saga Arc Chapter 2 - Showdown with Raditz

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Raditz: You got that? Let me say it again just to be sure. You two are to kill 2 hundred of this planet's people and pile their bodies here by tomorrow.

Gohan: Wahh!!!

Goku and Gosen: Ungh...!

Krillin: That's Gutless of you! How can you use a child like that!

Roshi: Yeah, he's right! and for one thing, there's no way these boys can kill any innocent people

Raditz: This choice is there's. If he values a life of two hundred humans over his son, fine. Even so, even if one way or another this planet and everything that lives here are destined to die soon. Once we finish subjugating our current planet, We've decided that our next target will be this one!

Roshi: Wha-What!?

Krillin: Y-You'll Wh-What!?

Raditz: The 3 of us Saiyans ought to be enough to wipe out the folks on this planet in only a month. Really. If you think about it. What difference does it make If Kakarot and Raimu should happen to give 2 hundred of you a head start..? Do you see now!? Kakarot!? Your only "Choice" is to join your brother's pals.

Goku: *Struggling* Give me... Back... My... Son!!

Gosen: You freak!

Raditz: I'll be expecting a good answer from you two for your sakes and for his as well. *Starts Flying*

Raditz: And also please... Don't make the mistake of trying to fight me. With your incompetent battle powers you 2 can't possibly stand up to your older brother after all.

Gohan: OTOOOO-SAN!!!!! OJIIII-SAN!!!!!


Gosen: GOHAAN!!

Raditz: Until tomorrow you two...!! Wahaha!!!! *Starts flying away.

Goku: You...!! Can't Do. THISS!! Y-You can't do this...

Bulma: Son-kun, Sen-Chan!! Are you two ok?

Roshi: W-we're sorry! There was nothing we could do!

Gosen: AHHHH!!!

Goku and Gosen: KINTO'UN!!

Then 2 yellow clouds start flying towards the small island

Roshi: Wait, that's crazy, don't be rash both of you!!!

Krillin: Goku do you think you're in any conditions to fight!?!?

Bulma: That's right Sen-chan you got pretty hurt with that kick.

Gosen: Ugh... Damn!!!

Goku:  What should I do!?

Roshi: The only think we can do right now is think.

Bulma: What a shock, huh? Here you discover another relative and it turns out to be that guy..

Goku: I-It doesn't matter... The only person I'll accept as my brother is Gosen, No matter who or what he is, I'll never forgive him.

Gosen: Brother...

Krillin: So then what're you gonna do? Your so called brother... Does have greater than normal strength and all... I-I mean if he can take you both down..

Goku: His tail.. His weakness is his tail... If I squeeze his tail.. His strength should drop considerable that's how it was for me.

Roshi: Now that you mention it...

Krillin: B-but still are you going to able to grab his tail?

Goku: I can't not by myself that is.

Gosen: But Brother I think the 2 of us has the chance with this guy.

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