Chapter 8 - Arriving on Namek

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Goku and Gosen flied towards the one with many power level.

Goku: Lets show them the result of our 100 times Gravity!

Goku and Gosen flies past Jeice and Burter.

Burter: What the hell is that!

Goku was infront of Recome. And Gosen was carrying Gohan.

Vegeta: They're here!!

Gosen: He's neck is broken but he's still alive here Gohan a senzu.

Gohan: Uncle?! Dad!! Dad look out they're really strong!

Jeice: What the hell that kid was close to death already!!

Gosen: Don't worry Gohan lets give Krillin a senzu bean.

Goku: Vegeta is hurt too?

Gohan: Yeah they're the ones that hurt him their incredible strong!

Goku and the others walks towards Krillin.

Goku: Here Krillin sorry I made you wait huh.

Krillin: I'm happy and sad at the same time.

Goku: Sad?

Recome: Hey the other one is healed too?!

Krillin: Goku you felt their power right? Even with the senzu's and you two fighting Together their too strong.

Goku looked at Vegeta.

Goku: How about Vegeta why did he fight them? I thought they were friends?

Krillin: They were before but...

Goku: Wait don't tell me let me read your thoughts.

Gohan: Read his thoughts?

Gosen: Yeah he did that to me yesterday he was so mad that I drank his milk he's doing some crazy voodoo or something.

Goku: Now i knoe everything the elder guro raised your power level and that bulma is safe also about the dragon balls were stolen, I also know about Vegeta and his men and Vegeta.

Gosen: That's so creepy.

Krillin: How did you know?!

Goku: Vegeta doesn't seemed to have changed but he was the one that saved you right? Hmm... I only have one senzu left.

Goku threw a senzu bean at Vegeta.

Goku: Eat it!!

Vegeta ate the senzu bean and has fully recovered.

Vegeta: My body is...

Krillin: Are you nuts? If you think we can fight all of them you're wrong!

Goku: No I just want to fight Vegeta later.

Krillin: Later?

Goku: I'll fight all of them alone.

Krillin: Alone?! Atleast let us help!

Gosen: Krillin it's fine.

Krillin: What?!

Goku walks in front of Recome.

Gosen: Hey brother since I'll let you have him can I have the other two?

Goku: Sure!

Recoome: Are you crazy? He want's to fight alone!

Krillin: Have they gone mad? They can't beat them!

Recoome: Time to have some fun!! Hey, What's their power level!?

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