Chapter 13 - Lapis and Lazuli

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Goku was fighting Android 19 it was one sided with Goku winning, But the fight went to the other side when Goku was panting and had his energy was taken from him. The fight between Goku and Android 19 rages on. Initially, it seems like Goku has the upper hand, landing powerful blows and pushing Android 19 back. 

The Android, however, remains unphase. Goku powers up, unleashing a series of powerful attacks. The battlefield is filled with bright flashes of energy and the sounds of fierce combat. But suddenly, Goku's expression changes. He begins to pant.  heavily, his energy waning rapidly.

Gosen: What's wrong with brother? He's tired way to quickly.

Piccolo: It looks like he's getting weak

Tien: Hold on what do you mean weak?

Piccolo: This feels weird, During our time in Namek. He's Super Saiyan is much more powerful.

Gohan: Yeah but Yamcha said that the Androids can steal energy.

Piccolo: What they can do that?!

Yamcha: I wasn't even fighting back. I felt my Energy going down really fast.

Piccolo: ...

Goku's attacks weaken, and Android 19 seizes the opportunity to counterattack. Goku fired a Kamehameha, draining more of his energy. Goku struggles, but his strength is rapidly fading. Goku was breathing a lot,

Yamcha: His breathing a lot. He looks like he is in a lot of pain right now?

Goku started holding his chest.

Gohan: No way!! Dad is sick!! He's holding his chest it's his heart!!

Gosen: Tch!

Piccolo: Wait, That kid from the future said something about him having a heart disease!!

Krillin: Then what about his medicine?! This is bad they stole all of his energy. Here take this Goku!!

Krillin threw a Senzu bean at Goku.

Goku: Thanks man!

Despite Goku consuming a Senzu bean, his condition fails to improve. The fight with Android 19 continues, but instead of recovering, Goku's energy appears to drain even faster. The Z Fighters watch in horror as Goku, despite his resilience, seems to grow weaker by the second.

Goku was panting heavily, clutching his chest, And turned back to his Regular form.

Yamcha: Hey!! He's no longer a Super Saiyan!!

Goku was getting choked by Android 19 and it was stealing his energy.

Gosen: Alright that's enough!!

With Gosen's scream the Z fighters dash at Android 19 but is stopped by Android 20. 

Android 20: You can't proceed an inch past here... Do you want to test me?

Gosen's kick lands squarely on Android 20's torso, but to his shock, it doesn't cause any damage. Android 20 smirks, showing no sign of pain or weakness. Seeing Gosen's failed attack, Piccolo steps in. He charges at Android 20, aiming a powerful punch at his chest. But just as his fist is about to connect, Android 20's eyes glow red, and a beam shoots out, striking Piccolo in the chest falling down to the ground. Gohan went to Piccolo's aid.

Gohan: Piccolo!!

Gosen: Piccolo! Damn!! *Thoughts: "Should I turn into a Super Saiyan too?!"

The battle intensifies as Gosen begins to transform into a Super Saiyan.

Meanwhile, Goku is on the brink of collapse, his energy almost entirely drained by Android 19 Vegeta steps in with a powerful kick, sending Android 19 flying away from Goku.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 13 ⏰

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