Saiyan Saga Arc Chapter 3 - Gohan Explodes And the death of Raditz

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Raditz: HAHAHAHA, It's too for you now!! Get ready to witness the true might of a Saiyan warrior!! You two should have listened to when you had the chance. Now all that awaits you is a pointless death!

Piccolo: So even if we take you down, we still have to worry about the two other Saiyans...

Gosen: And the both of them are much stronger...

Goku: Hehehe You've got us there... Sounds like we're going to be in a lot of trouble...

Piccolo: You must be excited, huh, Son Goku...

Goku: Normally I would be but not this time... Just thinking about it is giving me the chills.

Gosen: I'm getting goosebumps...

Goku: But we'll deal with that later!! My son where is he!!

Raditz: I didn't hide him. I locked him in my ship because he wouldn't stop screaming he's in the crater behind you three.


Raditz: HAHAHHA!! Don't get the kid's hopes up. You can't save anyone if you're dead!!

Goku then descend in the middle between Piccolo and Gosen

Goku: Let's do it!!

Piccolo: Ready when you are..!

Gosen: Go!!

Goku and Piccolo rushed in front attacking Raditz at the same time attacking him while Raditz is blocking them both with one hand each While Gosen is going for Raditz back going for a Punch

Goku Gosen and Piccolo: Haaaaah!!!

Raditz then vanish in front of the trio then appeared behind both Goku and Piccolo then kick both of them at the same time. Then punches Gosen 3 times in the stomach. Then Goku and Piccolo recovered after being hit rushed Raditz again try to grab his tail.

Raditz flew up to dodge Goku and Piccolo. While Gosen was trying to recover from being punched both Piccolo and Goku flew up to follow Raditz, Raditz then fired off 2 energy waves with both of his hands towards Goku and Piccolo.

Goku and Piccolo: !!!

Goku managed to dodge the wave, But Piccolo was unable to and hits his left arm blowing it away. After barely dodging the energy beam Goku lands on the ground 

Gosen: Brother behind you!!!

Raditz: Right here!!

Goku: Ha?

The back of Goku's head meet the foot Raditz hitting him swiftly sending him flying towards Gosen. But manages to catch him.

Raditz: Hahaha... So even the three of you come at once it's still worth nothing...

Goku: Guahh!! *Patting the back of his head* You okay Gosen? Where's Piccolo?

Gosen Goku: !!!

Then both of them saw Piccolo standing with one of his arms torn off.

Piccolo: Heeee. R-Relax I can still... Manage to fight with O-only one arm.

Goku: Tch!!

Raditz: HAHAHAHAHAH!!! It looks like your deaths are finally drawing near, huh!?

Piccolo: Hey, Son Goku and Son Gosen... Do the either of you have any new techniques?

Goku: Heheh sorry... Can't say I do...

Gosen: And I was only training physically so no new techniques that cause serious damage to this guy...

Piccolo: Keh... To have to reveal my secret technique, I've been training hard and developed something new.

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