Chapter 17

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Aisha Zaniah Henderson

"You're pregnant again?" I stared down at the ultrasound pictures that were on the table in front of Tay, Me, Kalub and Anastasia.

"Yes.." my moms voice trailed off as her and my dad looked at each of us for our reactions.

"Y'all not tired?" Kalub looked at the ultrasound and back up at them with an irritated expression.

"This wasn't planned, I'm just as shocked as y'all but I wanted to hear how you all felt, truthfully and honestly." She smiled at us.

"I personally don't think you need anymore. You can barely make it to any of our games, Aisha has to pick up me or Kalub up sometimes from school because you're both always busy. Either dad with football and meetings or you doing your side business, you guys didn't even know that I made co captain for the basketball team." Anastasia looked defeated as she stood up. "But congratulations, I'll be upstairs in my room if y'all need sum." And with that she walked up the stairs. I was dumbfounded because Anastasia and Tay are usually the quietest out of us all.

"Is that how the rest of you feel?" My dad asked us. We all looked at each other and nodded slowly.

"I understand though because you two are the only reason we have a six bedroom, 5 bathroom house. But at the same time I feel like a lot of responsibility gets pushed off on me because I am the oldest. I'm always happy for a new sibling but you both already passed the baby stage and we barely get any time with you, why put another one through it? But the baby is also already here so I have no choice but to deal with it. I am happy for you though, I'm just a bit disappointed." I sugar coated what I really wanted to say.

I stood up and headed upstairs to my room. I didn't really wanna continue the conversation because I knew that Tay and Kalub felt the same way but they just don't express themselves as much as me and Anastasia.

"Hello?" I answered the incoming FaceTime call from Xavier.

"What's wrong?" He immediately asked. I saw that he was sitting in his car but it wasn't moving.

"Nothing, my mom and dad just told us that they're expecting another baby." I sighed and laid down on my bed, holding the phone above my head.

"Dayummm, anotha one?" He chuckled. "Youn sound too happy about it though." He broke down his wood on camera.

"I am but they're pushing forty. How many more kids do they need?" I scrunched your my face when he took a FaceTime photo of me.

"Shii the way I think about it, you'll have hella baby sitters when we have ki-"

"Wait, who said that YOU are gonna be my baby daddy?" I laughed.

"Me." He shrugged.

"Yeah Ight." I playfully rolled my eyes. "But that's not what I wanna talk about, I miss you." I pouted. Ever since the day of my fight I've been wanting to be around him and near him, I think I'm falling for him more than I should be.

"I miss you too babygirl." I couldn't help but cheese at the nickname he gave me. "You want me to come by and see you, actually I was gon do that anyway, ima bring you a McFlurry too." He finished rolling his wood. I heard him shift his gear shift before the car started moving.

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