Chapter 13

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Aisha Zaniah Henderson

I sat at the park bench waiting on Xavier, I had asked him to meet me so I could apologize because he did try to warn me but I was being stubborn. It was going on 2:00pm it was around 1 when I had called and asked him to meet me here.

I stood up because it seemed like he wasn't coming so I started walking back home, but when I was walking past a car I seen that he was in it with some girl.

I just kept walking, once I made it home I walked upstairs to my room. I laid a crossed my bed and thought about how I really fucked up. I legit sent all of them an apology paragraph and they all forgave me except for Xavier.

"Aisha do you want to go play basketball with us?" Anastasia asked as she stood in my door way, I seen her best friend Raquel standing behind her and they were in their basketball stuff.

"Yea, let me change tho." I said and she nodded before shutting my door. Once I changed into my basketball shorts and Nike sports bra and my all black Nike's, I grabbed my basketball and walked out of my room all the way downstairs.

"You need to get your license so we don't have to walk." Anastasia said causing me to roll my eyes.

"Who said once I get it, I'm going to be driving you around?" I questioned with a sly smile on my face.

"I'm going with y'all." Kaleb said making me sigh, he's only going because most of the little girls from him and Anastasia's school be hanging around at the park.

"What's up Rocky." He said and she returned the gesture. We stood outside waiting for Kaleb but he came out sooner than I thought.

I checked my phone to see two missed calls form Safiya so I decided to call her back, she answered on the third ring. But it took her awhile to speak because I heard commotion in the back.

"Hello? Aisha?" Safiya asked in a hurry which made me get worried.

"Yeah what's wrong?" I asked with wordiness in my voice and I heard the guys in the back.

"Come to Lutheran Hospital fast! Xavier needs you." She said before hanging up, i ran back inside to get my mom. We all piled in the car as we drove to the hospital, my leg was bouncing the whole time and I could feel them looking at me.

Once we pulled into the hospital I rushed inside, I seen everybody waiting in the waiting room. I was so scared.

"What happened?" I asked as I ran up to them, I seen a hole in the wall next to where they were sitting.

"Xavier's mom's heart stopped and they are still trying to revive her, he's over here." Deja said as she led me around the corner where Xavier had a little girl sleep on his lap.

"Xavier." I called his name and it broke my heart when he looked up at me, his eyes were red from him crying. And I knew that he needed a hug.

I took my jacket off and moved the little girls head up and placed my jacket under her head so she would have some cushion and I instantly pulled him to me.

He squeezed me tight as he cried on my shoulder, I rubbed his head and let him get everything out. I never knew he was going through so much and I felt so selfish because I thought I was the only one.

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