Chapter 12

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Xavier Anthony Young

I helped my mom into her bed, she's been sick for the longest but they still don't know what's wrong with her, she can barely walk so she's bed ridden and this shit is a struggle.

"Here." I handed her a white pill that she's suppose to take daily. Once I ended the party I had some people clean it up for me before coming here.

"Where does it hurt at?" I asked her when she winced. She pointed to her leg so I began massaging it for her to release some of the pressure.

"Go to sleep, aight?" I told her and kissed her forehead before turning off her light and closing her door halfway. I walked downstairs and into the dining room where I seen my little sister Serenity at the table coloring.

"Did you finish your homework?" I asked while doing sign language, she can sometimes hear and or read lips but not all the way, she went deaf in her right ear when she was two and is slowly going deaf in her left but the doctors say that they can possibly do something about it.

"Yeah." She said. She's 11 years old now and her birthday is next month so I'm making sure to make it special.

"Aight what did you get on your math test?" I asked as I took a seat next to her at the table. It took her a minute for her to figure out what I was saying but when she finally figured it out she leaned over and dug into her bag and pulled out her math test. I was proud because I seen that it had a three at the top.

"Okay, okay I see my sister doing big things." I said causing her to laugh, she then sign languaged 'how's mom doing'.

She hasn't seen our mom in months because our mom doesn't want her to see her like that since what ever she has, has gotten worse and this shit is mad stressful because I know I won't have much longer with my mom even though she wasn't the best mother in the past she's still my mom and I love her unconditionally.

"She's doin'...better." I said giving her a reassuring smile.

"Don't lie Xay." She said and I sighed because I could see that she was about to cry and that's some shit That I don't like to see. My little sister is my world and I'd do anything to keep her happy.

"Serenity she's gon' be cool I promise, you gotta be strong for her because she don't like seeing you cry nor do I, aight?" I said while also sign languaging her before I pulled her into me and hugged her. She nodded and wiped her tears.

"How about I take you to the ice cream parlor tomorrow after school?" I suggested and she nodded with a smile on her face.

After awhile of us talking she went upstairs and went to sleep.

I was still pissed off at what had happened at the party, I thought Aisha was different on some real shit but I guess they must like getting they ass beat, I'm done trying and this is why i don't fuck with people in the first place.That shit between me and her is dead.

I walked upstairs to my room and shut my door and laid on my bed since I already took a shower. I grabbed my phone and checked my Snapchat and shit and seen that I had hella messages from females but I was tired as hell so I didn't respond I just put my phone on the charger and went to sleep.


How do y'all feel about the book so far?

Was Xavier wrong for walking away from Aisha or was Aisha wrong for not listening to him?

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