Chapter 5

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Aisha Zeniah Henderson

I walked through the halls but what happened with Kaleah and Fizz yesterday kept replaying in my mind, Kaleah was wrong to get mad and so were we. I seen fizz at his locker with Xavier i walked over to them.

"I wanted to say sorry for how I acted yesterday and i hope that you can forgive me." I Apologized, he smiled and pulled me into a hug.

"it's coo, you know I can't stay mad at you." he chuckled, i could feel eyes on my ass so i pulled away from the hug and caught Xavier staring directly at it.

"stop." I slapped his chest but he grabbed my wrist before i could, it wasn't a tight grab it was gentle but was still a little tight but not to the point it would hurt.

"you gotta be faster than that." the way he said it made my body feel some type of way, i seen Fizz smirking at us so i quickly snatched my wrist back.

"why are you smirking?" i asked feeling the slight blush rise to my cheeks.

"Is Lay blushin'?" Fizz teased causing Xavier to smirk, i rolled my eyes playfully at fizz while still trying to hide my blush.

"Shut up and hurry up and get to class free because period is almost over." i said before turning the other way and walking towards my locker that's on the other side of the hallway but thankfully it's also next to my 4th period class.

"So i made you blush huh?' Xavier said from behind me, almost scaring me to death. I turned around so that I was now facing him with my arms crossed over my chest.

"No." i lied, he stepped closer to me causing my breathing to slightly pick up. he uncrossed my arms and closed the space between us.

"You sure?" he asked as he snaked his arm around my waist causing the heat to rise to my cheeks.

"Mhmm." Was the only thing i could get out, he chuckled before looking me in my eyes while licking his lips.

"The blush on your cheeks says other wise." i pushed him off of me.

"Boy you ain't cute." i said.

"I'm handsome." He said cockily, causing me to scrunch my face up.

"Whateva." i said while grabbing my books out of my locker for my next class since the bell rings in 2 minutes.

"Are you coming to my party friday night?" he asked, which is in 2 days.

"Where is it gonna be?" i asked.

"down at the levi." he said.

"Oh hell no, i'm not going by any river because if my ass fall over the railing i'm dead." i said, he started laughing but i was dead ass serious.

"i gotchu trust me." he said just when the bell rang.

"i'll think about it." i said as the girl's started walking towards us.

"You asking her if she's going to the party?" Safiya asked him.

"yeah but she sayin' she'll think about it." he said before leaning over and whispering something into her ear.

"She is definitely going." she said once he pulled back from whispering to her.

"Don't i have a say in this?" I asked seeing people piling out of the classrooms and crowding up the hallway.

"No." They said at the same time once safiya told them what he whispered to her.

"What did he say?" i asked Safiya as he walked away like he didn't hear me.

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