Chapter 2

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Mark's pov (Oh mah god a new pov-):

As always I woke up a bit early than the others, so I'm the one that makes breakfast for Eduardo, Jon and Todd too.. since they gave me a recipe book for Christmas. When I went downstair there were some bags at the front door, "probably Todd came back during the night" I thought while heading to the kitchen. I started making my and the others breakfast, probably the only meal I can make alone without making someone throw up. Not even 10 minutes later Jon came in the kitchen rubbing his eyes, I could still see a bit the mark on the eye that Eduardo punched yesterday "Morning, how's the eye?" I asked him, it may seem like I don't really care, but I do, he's my friend but I told him that he really needs to learn to stand up for himself even to I still can't let Eduardo do this without saying anything; "It's better than yesterday, thank you" he answered smiling. I smiled back and went back to cook. A couple of minutes later we were sitting at the table eating when Todd came in, "Morning guys" he said yawning, "Morning Todd!" Jon got up and hugged him, they're really close, Jon missed him when he wasn't here, they're really good friends, in fact Todd was introduced to the group by Jon after they became best friends before moving in our old house. They sat at the table and started eating, after I ate my breakfast Eduardo came downstair, mumbled a morning, sat at the table and started eating. While Eduardo and Todd were eating, Jon stood up, "Uh guys?.. I was wondering.. could we maybe go somewhere like.. the theme park?.. all of us together?" I froze. "Seriously idiot?" Eduardo said "It's a stupid idea just like yo-" Todd cut him off "Come on Eduardo , That's a nice idea Jon.. I guess. It's been so much time since we done something all of us together." Jon smiled slightly. Then they started a sort of "arguing" deciding at what time we should go while at the same time Jon was trying to convince Eduardo to come getting as respond a "shut it, idiot" or "no stop it", I saw all those flashes from the theme park "asdf land" when there was a "zombie apocalypse": *insert every single moment where we have seen Mark in Fun Dead begin traumatized* "Mark?" Todd brought me back to reality, "uh yeah?-" I answered, "So you want to go or no? we are deciding with a vote" I looked at them, I could tell by his face that Eduardo couldn't care less while Jon and Todd were absolutely amazed by the idea, I sighed, "Fine I guess guys". Jon was so happy, while Eduardo was really annoyed, but he eventually gave up "Ugh fine".

Eduardo's pov:

Ugh I just woke up and now this idiot came up with the idea of going to the theme park?! God he's for sure annoying. Of course Todd had to agree with him, he's his closest friend so even if he hates to go out he was okay with that, plus when something could annoy me it's a second motivation to do it for him, Mark decided to go just to make them happy, I'm sure. Now I have to eat and go change quickly because they want to spend the whole day there. God why did that idiot needed to came up with this stupid idea. Jon was always like this, wanting to spend time together, having fun, going out and "make memories", I always said yes to this kind of things while we were in school to make him happy but after it started to really annoy me and it's like he's always around me! Even though in a while he never suggest to do anything, I thought he gave up on trying to get me to do things together, he will never change I guess, such an idiot.

Jon's pov:

After last night I came up with a decision, I really want and need to leave for some time, maybe like this Eduardo will understand that I'm not his punching bag, I always tried to be friends again with him but he keeps acting like this.. so I thought that I could spend a day with them doing something together before leaving.. That's why I suggest to go to the theme park! We will have a good day together and.. I can remind of this day with them while I will not be at home..

*two hours later, 10.30 a.m.*

We were leaving the house heading to the theme park, Eduardo glared at Edd that was in the garden of his new house with his two friends but Todd dragged Eduardo to the car while the ginger guy, Matt if I'm not wrong, tried to distract Edd before they could start a fight. Even though Todd didn't really know Edd and his crew he knew Eduardo didn't like them, especially Edd.. how? In the old house Eduardo pinned on the board where he used to play darts a drawing of Edd- So he kinda figured that out. Mark started the car and 15 minutes later we arrived to the new asdf land that after that "zombie apocalypse" it was re-built. Mark parked the car and we went inside the theme park, here starts our day!

(Listen here I'm far too lazy to write all of the day so here you go, a magic TIME SKIP)

*09:47 p.m.*

It's been a beautiful day, me and Todd had a lot of fun, Eduardo tried to act annoyed and Mark has been a bit paranoid at first. We went on the roller coaster, ate candy floss, did some other rides, we even took photos in those photo cabins and I got a punch from Eduardo for hugging him for a photo, but a part from that it was really a nice day. Now we are in the car; as soon he sat, Todd fell asleep even though home is 15 minutes away, Eduardo isn't doing anything, probably just wondering if he liked this day or not, while Mark is obviously driving and I'm watching out the car's window. I almost can't believe that I'm leaving them tonight.. I know it's not forever.. still.. It's hard but I really need it..

*15 minutes later* (woah today I'm too obsessed with time skips-)

We just arrived home, I woke up Todd and we went inside, Eduardo said to Todd that if he wasn't going to take his bags to his room he would have threw them outside, Todd obviously took his bags and brought them to his room and after that I said goodnight to the them and went to my room. Once I was in there I gave a quick look at my room's desk, it was empty, expect for a piece of paper, I decided this morning that I would have left a note so Mark and Todd won't go in full panic mod when they will found out that I'm not in my room or anywhere in the house. I put the new photos with the older ones and the few things that I owned after the explosion in a bag with some clothes that I put there this morning, after I sat on my bed, wiped the tears that had formed in the corner of my eyes and looked out of the window seeing two figures watching television on the couch in Edd's house. I waited for an hour or two to make sure that everyone was sleeping, grabbed my bag, then went downstairs, opened the door, went out, locked it and put my keys under a vase. I watched the house for minutes, there was an half of me that was saying inside of me to go back inside.. I made a step closer to the house.. I suddenly stopped and turned away from it. I took a deep breath, wiped my eyes again and started walking towards the town.

*Well hello there,

here is a new chapter for who is still reading. I would like to let you know that I wrote this at 11/12 p.m. so if it's bad because these days were really chaotic and I'm oddly tired, let's just say school is awful :'>. In the next chapter there could be something that you may find strange okay? It's an idea that I had- so it's probably horrible but okay-

Still if someone's interested the new chapter should be out in oth4 days, so have a good day/night people °3°*

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