Chapter 5

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Jon's pov:

It's almost 2 p.m. and I'm still out! I went to 2 places and I had to wait forever to just find out that there wasn't anything! I'm hungry and there are still 3 places to check! Ugh my stomach is killing me.. I'll go eat something, I really should have ate breakfast. I started walking searching for some place to eat and at the end I just bought a donut because the bakery was more close than the only restaurant that I know.

*3 p.m.*

Finally something went good, or at least a bit. One of the place that Tom suggested me said that they could gave me a place but not right now, I need to wait a week or a bit more, It's not really good but it's surely better than embarrass Edd and his friends for begin there or... I took out my phone and found many other missed calls and messages from Mark and Todd, I sighed and started to eliminate the notifications, when I saw a text from Eduardo. I was standing on the side walk looking at the screen of my phone where I could read: "A new text from Eduardo". 

I don't even remember the last time he texted me, I mean, I know we lived together, but Mark for example used to text me like when I was out, while Todd when he wanted to show me something or let me know what was he doing in his room, but Eduardo never really texted me. He had my number since we were in the first year of high school, at that time he used to text me more but this nice chatting with him slowly stopped at the end of the fifth year. 

I didn't know if I wanted to look at it or not so I just left it on the screen, turned off the phone, put the hood up and started walking around the town.

Eduardo's pov:

I knew when I was writing the text for Jon that it was completely useless.. If he didn't answered Todd and Mark's texts and calls why would he answer mine? He left because of me and I know that. I can't believe that I'm saying this but I miss him.. I miss him begin around asking things, trying to start a conversation.. Even when he wanted to go out and do things together, the way he tried to be mean and just failed. I'm a terrible friend.. Todd is of course still angry at me and he is right.. At the same time Mark wants us to stop acting like children and help him trying to find Jon. Todd decided to go out to clear his thoughts and to see if he can find Jon, while Mark is still trying to call and text him. This place isn't the same anymore, it will not be tha same for a long time and if Jon ever comes back I swear I'll be nice to him..

*hours later, around 6 p.m.*

Jon's pov:

On the note that Tom gave me I found Edd's number too so I called and told him I would have come back a bit late, I decided that to stay out a bit more, trying to decide if looking at Eduardo and the others texts or not.

 "What if he's sorry?.. What am I thinking probably he's just happy that I left.. but what if it wasn't like this and they miss me.. ugh.." I kicked a can and sat on the side walk. I can't wait to have that apartment.. I will not bother anyone ever again like that. 

After some minutes of having my face in my hands thinking about Eduardo and the others, I got up from the side walk and headed to Edd's house. When I got near home I saw Todd going back in our house so I quickly put my hood up and turned to Edd's house, I could feel his eyes on me, while he got at the door of our home and entered, I was getting at Edd's door. I knocked and Matt let me in smiling, I smiled and as soon I was inside and the door was closed I took a sigh of relief. 

"Everything okay there?" It was Tom, while Matt was just looking at me, "Yeah, I almost got caught by Todd.." The expression on my Matt's face changed in a strange one, while the other two were a bit confused, "Who's that?" Oh right- they don't know him- "Todd came back again?!" I'm more confused now- "Uh?" "No Matt, he's dead. And you keep say it the wrong way, none of us know who this "Todd" that Jon is talking about is" Tom was more cold than usual, what were they talking about? "Yeah you guys don't know Todd" I said smiling a bit, "Oh but I found something! In a week or a bit more I should have an apartment in town" "That's good Jon" Edd said smiling.. it was a strange smile, mixed with sadness. 

After that we had dinner, as soon I was done I went to the attic and laid down. "Should I answer them?.. Even Eduardo texted me.." That was the only thought in my mind, maybe I really should answer them.. I started to tear up and didn't want to accept that I missed them, I need to survive even without them, so I wiped my tears and took my phone to look at something that would have distract me.

Todd's pov:

After lunch today I decided to go out for a walk, it ended up that I stayed all afternoon in town. I was in front of my house's door when I saw this guy in front of the neighbors door, I do not know them but I'm pretty sure that I never saw this boy. He had his hood up and knocked on the door of the house that he was standing by. The ginger guy opened the door and let him in with a smile as we both got in the two different houses. 

"Good your back, I'll start cook dinner, don't worry I'll use a recipe book, tell Eduardo to come downstairs please" Mark said smiling a bit, I know he is trying to get me and Eduardo to get along again but I really can't stand him right now! He's the reason of why my best friend left us! I 

know Jon said that he isn't mad at him, but I am! He never cared about him since we move together a part from a couple of months after the robot. I hope he's really sorry this time, if Jon decided to leave he was really tired.. I miss him..

**Is this chapter short?- I feel like it is. God I need ideas :'> I'll make my brain work don't worry whoever is still reading this- But for real, thanks people that are reading ^^ I'm happy to know that I made something that someone likes, with this good night/day ^^**

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