Chapter 11

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Mark's pov:

I woke up in my room and after getting up I checked my phone.. no missed calls or messages.. Yesterday we all got blocked from Jon's number and it surprised all of us.. we thought he was getting better and starting to think of coming back maybe.. I hope nothing bad happened.. 

I went downstair andentered the kitchen to make my breakfast, there I found Todd making his, my and Eduardo's breakfast. "Morning Todd" I smiled a bit, even if all of this ishappening we can't just destroy ourselves begin just sad,

"Oh morning Mark, I made breakfast" he placed it on the table and he sat down to eat. "I forgot my books in Jon's room when yesterday I cleaned it, I'll go get them" I said while heading out the kitchen, "Okay Mark!" Todd needs to stop talking when he eats- seriously- it's horrible and disgusting. 

I was going upstairs and starting to think where did I put my books inside Jon's room, I cleaned it yesterday because after over a month when no one was in there it was all covered in dust, if Jon comes back I don't want him to find his room all dirty. 

I opened Jon's door to find the most surprising and mostly strange scene: There was Eduardo asleep next to Jon's bed with a photo of them in his hand that, I can presume, was took at the end of the fourth?- year of high school.. maybe?

I gently picked up the photo so I wouldn't wake up Eduardo and for me to see it better. Eduardo had one of his arms wrapped on Jon's shoulders laughing while Jon had a surprised-slightly flustrated but happy face and was probably laughing too, they were in front of the high school building and in the background I could see me and Todd talking not too far from them, but this isn't about me or Todd. 

I smiled, it's amazing knowing that Eduardo is sincerely worried for Jon after all the things he did and said. After I put the photo near Eduardo, grabbed my books that I left on the bed and went downstairs again. 

*half an hour later*

I was reading on the couch and Todd was watching the tv sat next to me when Eduardo came downstairs yawning a good morning. "Good morning too, at what hour did you went to sleep yesterday" Todd was still a bit cold towards Eduardo but not as much the first days, "What do you mean? What time is it?" Eduardo answered while rubbing one of his eyes, "It's almost 10 a.m." While changing channel Todd answered Eduardo's question as he glanced at us, "You didn't think about calling me?!" "Well I saw you sleeping and didn't want to disturb you" I said. 

His eyes went wide as he probably remembered where was he sleeping and looking at before fall to sleep, he looked at me with soulless face and then headed to the kitchen to eat. 

Eduardo's pov: 

He saw me. He fucking saw me in Jon's room! With a photo of him and me! HUGGING! Nobody was supposedto know this! 

Yesterday, when I was cleaning my room and the others were cleaning theirs, I found this box full of photos, little objects, hidden exams and many other things from middle school and high school, there weren't them all since some were burnt or destroyed because of the robot thing. I put it on my bed and kept cleaning.

Once my room wasn't atotal mess I sat on the bed and went through all those old things.


I fucking sucked in history, I had probably like 4 hidden exams and lots of homework that was threw in there at that time and just got brought back to the light of my room. Many of the objects in there were just some stupid things I bought when I would go out or something like this.

Then I took the photos out of the box. Looking at them it felt like watching those years from another point of view, many of the photos were of me, in another part of them I was with Mark, Jon and Todd; then I found some photos of me and Laurel.. I kept watching them for a while, it took a while but I got over the fact she died, it still kinda hurts to.. not as much it used to but yeah. Then I found this other photo.. but it was of me and Jon, I was wrapping an arm on his shoulders laughing while he smiled and laughed too in front of my high school's building before me and him would go inside starting the fifth year and Mark and Todd passed around there to wish good luck to us before they would go to their schools. 

I asked myself: "What if you never treated Jon that way, would he still be here with you and the others? Maybe if I didn't act like that towards him we all would have been more happy.." I looked back at the photo smiling slightly. I remembered that Jon used to keep some photos in his desk so I decided to go there and see if he left them here, but when I arrived in Jon's room and searched they were of course not in there. 

"He probably took them all when he left." I thought as I sat next to Jon's bed, when I looked at it I started imagine Jon sleeping peacefully as I was sitting right where I am looking at him.. WHAT THE FUCK AM I THINKING?! I slapped myself mentally and just went back to looking at the photos. Just some minutes later I fell asleep.

**Good job Eduardo u3u. 

Besides this- sorry if the chapter is short- 

I'm having troubles (like fucking always) and need to focus on school, 

but at least I got all the free time after school (a part when I'm doing homework or sport) to write since my friends do other things and pretty much just ignore my existence u3u, at least some of them, I'm not completly alone :D.

 But if anyone of you is going through or went through this kind of things I know it can hurt so feel free to talk ^^

Well next chapter in a week, byee**

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