Chapter 7

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Sooo.. I'm sorry- 2/3 days turned out to be a week- I thought I didn't needed this long but.. it was a bit hard to process what happened. But ehi! I'm back now I guess-

Jon's pov:

It's been almost a week since I have been in Edd's house, but today I'm moving in the apartment in town.

During these days I started searching for a job because I need money of course- I spent almost all of my money to buy the house, since there was already used furniture it didn't cost too much so I could afford it (sh sh sh- I know this isn't probably possible- :'>), the bills will not pay by themselves, I'm alone and I'm not really specialized in anything so it will be some work that probably doesn't pay much too. 

I was putting the last shirt in my bag when my phone vibrated, I sighed, I still didn't answered them.. Maybe they are really worried.. But I'm not ready to answer them. I turned on the phone and eliminated Mark's and Todd's notifications till I saw again Eduardo's text. I still didn't decided if watch it or no, it has been on my mind all week.. the half of me that always admired Eduardo since kindergarten wanted to open the text the exact moment I got it while another half was too scared to even think about what he could have wrote.. I was woke from my thoughts by Edd walking in the attic.

"Well Matt said that you can keep those clothes you put when you went out, he wanted to tell you but- he doesn't come in the attic from- you know the ghost thing" he chuckled, I remembered that time when a ghost/demon infested their house and then went in my and my friends house, remembering how scared I was, if I think about it now it's funny, in fact I smiled and laughed at the memory too.

Tom's pov:

I heard Edd and Jon laughing from the attic, I don't know what they're talking about but they are obviously having fun. Today Jon's leaving, it doesn't change much for me, but it's a good thing he is starting to get himself a life. 

During this week I tried to understand who the man from the bar was, he was oddly familiar but not in a great way, it kinda felt wrong, I don't even know his name. I thought I was about to understand everything when.. Well Matt came in my room and interrupted my thoughts. 

"Is Edd still in the attic Tom?" "Yes Matt, he i- wait, did you just called me by my name without getting it wrong?!" I was shocked. "I did?" He didn't even noticed?! "Yes you did!" "Oh yay! It's another motivation to see Edd!" he said smiling as he ran out of my room screaming: "EDD! I HAVE SOMETHING TO TELL YOU!" 

He left my door open, like always. I sighed and got up to close it. I grabbed Susan and started playing her sitting on my bed while trying to figure out who that man was, maybe someone I used to know? Or maybe just a person that is used to see me in the bar. After some minutes of trying to figure that out I eventually gave up and kept playing Susan.

Matt's pov:

I stood in front of the stairs of the attic calling Edd's name, "Edd! Edd! EDD!" "What is it Matt" he stared at me like he was about to kill me but I didn't really care, "I said Tom's name right!" I said proud, "Good job Matt" "Oh and I need to say bye to Jon if he's leaving!" "Thank you Matt" Jon said smiling as he made his appearance from the attic's door. I smiled while they came out of the attic heading downstairs.

"Bye Jon!" Tom said goodbye too and Jon smiled again. I'm happy we became sort of friends with him, he will not stand with the other two and bother us if he comes back with them, he isn't bad, I actually don't know why he tried to be mean to us, almost all the time he said something in the past Eduardo would punch him- a part when.. Tord came back (I think Matt's sick- he remembers how to say names-). Well I decided to ask him. 

"A question, why were you mean towards us if you didn't care about our presence and the only thing you would get back was a punch on your face? I would never let someone touch my beautiful face" I said, Edd sighed "Matt, seriously?" "Yeah!" Edd just sighed again and I just looked at Jon. "Uhh.. but it's kind of embarrassing.." "Pleaseeee" I kept looking at him trying to convince him to tell us till he started mumbling something "Well.. I wanted to impress Eduardo.."

Edd's pov:

After a moment of silence I busted into laughter, "Awww" Matt just likes this kind of things, a bit strange thought he tried to impress someone that didn't even cared about him. 

"Your sure you don't like him Jon?" I said still laughing, Jon went almost red faced, maybe I'm right- "It wouldn't be anything wrong with that Jon!" Matt said smiling, I don't think he shares his thought, "No! I do not like him! Maybe when I was in high school.. but now it's different, he doesn't care at all" it's kinda sad, I'm not sure that if Jon will go back they'll make it up, hopefully they do and maybe he will convince Eduardo to stop annoy us.. Please be like this.

After this little moment he headed at the door, he said bye to me and Matt and started walking away. Mark, Eduardo and the other guy, that is presumably the "Todd" Jon talked about, were outside while this was happening and kind looked at us a bit strange but in that moment Matt screamed "YOU'LL GET HIM ONE DAY DON'T WORRY!" I face palmed myself while Jon just froze and right after that walked away a bit faster. Yeah he's not a bad guy.

Jon's pov:

Why did I told them! I walked faster feeling my cheecks on fire and soon enough I arrived in town.

 After an hour or more of searching I found the building where my apartment is, I went inside of my new "home", after looking around a bit I threw the bag in a corner of my new room, threw myself on the bed and started thinking about my friends, I really should answer they're messages, just to let them know I'm okay.. 

I turned on my back facing the ceiling and my mind traveled back to Eduardo's message and then at the talk with Edd and Matt, I could feel my face burn. "Do I.. like him? No no no, I just admire him, since I can remember and always wanted to spend time with him, but so I always did with Mark and Todd.. So it's not like that right?.." I covered my face with my hands when I heard my phone vibrate. I took a deep breath and grabbed the phone. It wasn't them. Seems like I got a job.

**Here's another chapter for you, yes shipping is starting bitches- Yes it sucks I know- Still as you know it's not easy to write; between do homework, getting mentally ready for exams and that thing.. So I might have troubles publishing things :'>, I still think this story is not good but I don't have anything else to do so I just keep writing. Well I'm done for now, byeee**

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