Chapter 6 (read the A/N before)

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Tom's pov:

As soon we finished dinner Jon went to the attic, Edd sat on the sofa cuddling Ringo while Matt went in his room probably to look at himself in the mirror. I went to my room too, but after an hour or more of playing my beloved Susan, reading or trying to sleep since nothing seemed to make the time pass more quickly for me, I decided to go to the bar. 

I put on my hoodie, took my phone reminding of yesterday and went downstairs. When I headed to the door I could feel Edd staring at me, probably about to end me, "Where are you going" I'm dead "To the bar" Edd sighed "Did you at least took your phone with you?" I took a silent sigh of relief, he's not going to kill me "Yeah" "Good, you better be home for midnight or your getting locked out till tomorrow" he said smiling "But it's almost 10.30 p.m.!" "Exactly, so you'll be home for midnight or you can stay out all night." "Ugh fine" I said while going out. Edd can be an asshole sometimes, now I can spend just one hour there since the bar it's almost 20 minutes far from home. I started walking heading to one of the town's bar but I kept feeling like someone was following me.. I did not pay too much attention to that too, it was probably my imagination, yeah it was just that. 

The whole walking was like that and I swear, I saw a person behind me, but I thought it wasn't that strange.. Maybe. I sat at the bar and ordered the usual Smirnoff, I spent the time there looking around scanning the people that were there while drinking, much of them were usual costumers that I always see, just a small part of them were people that I never saw. 

After 20 minutes or something more, a person with a big coat on that covered them and a hood on that made see their face impossible came in the bar and sat next to me. "Could this be the guy, Jon talked about?" I thought, the description that Jon made suit this guy. I was trying not to look at him but it was him the one that started a conversation by buying me another bottle of Smirnoff that I couldn't say no to obviously, "Barman I would like to pay another bottle for this boy here" he said, I looked at him even thought I couldn't see his face "Uh thanks?" "No problem, it's nice seeing you again Tom, even though you probably don't remember" this is totally the same guy Jon told us about, did he said my name to him? I don't know but Jon was right, something feels off about him, I can hear it by his voice, it reminds me something. "You're the guy that helped Jon take me home yesterday right?" I said swallowing a sip of the Smirnoff this guy bought me, "So the name of that boy that knew you is Jon" I could just see a sort of smile under the hood that covered his face. "Yeah he is my neighbor" I kept drinking the bottle while talking to this guy, "May I know your name now" the guy stayed silent. "So" "I don't think I'll answer this question" "Whatever" I answered to him finishing the bottle asking for a new one

???'s pov:

It's been more than 30 minutes since I came in the bar and started talking with Tom, well the original plan was just to make him drunk and then take this little experiment to my lab, but at the end I decided to let him and his friends thoughtless for a while. I have to admit that it's far more easy and even a bit nice talking to him when he's drunk, he's less annoying and rude, yes right now he is, I don't know how he managed to drink more than 4 whole bottles- I mean I know he drinks a lot but it hasn't been even an hour-, it is funny tho seeing him talking this much and acting like a child but I probably need to take him back to the house. 

"Come on Tom, get up I'll take you home" "Noo-hick-ooo!" "Yes we are going" I said as I got up from my seat and helped him up. 

While I was dragging him home he kept saying that he didn't want to leave, wanted to know my name and how I knew the way to his house. I kinda laughed at the last one, "if I took you here with Jon yesterday why shouldn't I know?" Well I already know where he lived but I did not want to blow my cover up, at least not now. Once we arrived close enough to the house we stopped. "Come on, go to your house now." "You not -hick- coming?" I looked at him for a moment "Of course I'm not Tom, you think the others would be happy to see me? Obviously no" I said. "What-" "Now go Tom, quick or Edd will probably lock you out" I said laughing. He mumbled something looking at the re-built house for a moment and after that turned his attention on me again, "Finee" "You look stupid, now go" I said turning him to his house. As I watched him going inside I went a bit closer. I could see that almost all the lights were still on when Tom entered. For what I can see I think Edd brought Tom to his room, then went to Matt's probably to say something to him and then he left and went to, what I can presume is, his room. "Have sweet dreams till you can.. old friends."

**I know I know, this doesn't have anything to do with the story but I didn't have any ideas so I decided to wite this little thing but come on it was obvious who that was right? 

Still don't worry for whoever is reading Jon's story, I'm not dropping it- I just don't have many ideas so I need some time to find out something to write T-T

Well, after all this talking, I wish you a good day/night!**

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