Chapter 10

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**Okay okay.. I haven't been uploading since a week ago.. I think I'll post one time a week- I can't do otherwise, sorry- going to my mum's and then back to my dad's makes write very hard since I can write onky when I'm at my mum's place- I'll leave you to the chapter now**

Jon's pov:

I was finally ready so I went out of myapartment and out of the building where I found Maya. While I was wearing a newshirt that I bought when we went out last week with some old trousers she waswearing a bright yellow shirt and a nice salopette (translate it if you don'tunderstand I didn't know if the word that I found was the right one). 

I probably still looked awful from waking up like that this morning because her expression suddenly changed from a smile to the face of someone that is a bit surprised and asked right away: "You okay?- You look really tired, did u sleep?" "Yeah I did, I just didn't wake up in a good way.." I said yawing. She looked at me for a second and then grabbed me by my wrist like she always did since I know her and dragged me somewhere. 

"Well we are going to make you forget that Jon! We will spend one of your best day ever!". We arrived in front of a car when she stopped, "Get in! We are going to a place a bit more far than here" what is she planning- "Okay?" I said while getting in what I can presume, is her car. She get inside the car too and started driving. 

"So where are we going" I asked while Maya put some music, "I don't know!" "what?-" "Yeah I thought we could just drive for a while and then find a nice place, so you'll explain to me what happened" she said smiling. I sighed "Okay Maya, but we are not staying out too late are we?" "Well I brought something we could eat for lunch in case we decided to do something like this, so we can stay out for almost all the day!" 

She smiled and focused on driving and singing the songs she would put on. After almost two hour of driving Maya decided to go in a wood near there, "It isn't a really extended place so we shouldn't get lost" she said. She parked her car and took out a bag with inside 2 sandwiches, 2 bottles of water and a smaller bag of chips- who brings chips to go in a wood?- 

I was still glad we wouldn't have to starve till dinner, "Thanks for bringing some food Maya" I smiled and she smiled back, then we walked into the woods, but I don't think she's wearing a great outfit for this.

Maya's pov:

I'm happy that Jon agreed to do this for today! As his friend I'm a bit worried for how he was acting when we met up, but I'm here to hear about his problems and help him! Because he's too fucking innocent for this world and he's my friend! 

We have been in this woods for hours talking and exploring, he's having fun and laughing so I think he's feeling at least a bit better. Now it's past 12 p.m. and we stopped to eat the sandwiches, I knew they would have been appreciated, we sat on some big rocks that we found and started eating.

I opened the bag of chips and started eating them, "So, what happened this morning?" I'm curious and I wanna help him, if he says how he feels he'll get a bit better I think. "I just had a nightmare.. A really bad one.." he said as he kept eating his sandwich looking away from me, from what I know he could have dreamt about his almost death or his friends.. 

We didn't talk much about this things, just when I introduce him to Dan, another friend of mine that works at the store watching the security cameras, I told him the situation and he accepted to keep an eye on the doors of the store to see if one of Jon's friend is coming so he can tell Jon, with an excuse, to leave his place. 

Jon woke me from my thoughts, "I.. I blocked their numbers.. Because of.." he was about to burst out in tears, I went to him and hugged him tight. "Jon calm down.. everything is okay, I'm here with you" He stayed like that some minutes and then wiped his tears, "Thanks Maya.." he said sniffing and smiling, "Ehi, I'm your friend, it's nothing" I smiled back. 

After we explored for another 3 hours and we fell in some brambles and we scratched our arms and legs- but it didn't hurt too much- we just bled a bit. We arrived at the car and bandaged our arms and legs better than we could and I started the car.

"You know, if you want you can sleep at my place tonight!" I said smiling, Jon hesitated for a moment but after some seconds he smiled at me "I would love to!" This brings me back when with my friends from the start of high school would go to sleepovers, "We look like children right now." I chuckled at the thought. 

"Oh you don't have a problems with dogs right?" I turned around to see Jon smiling like a kid when it's Christmas (of course not Tom), "You have a dog?!" "Well yeah- I guess it doesn't bother you-" looks like he really loves dogs- "Of course it doesn't!" He is gonna steal my dog :'>. 

We stopped at Jon's apartment for him to take his pajamas and after we got to my house. 

I parked the car and after took Jon inside, "Here we are, home sweet home!" as we entered, Layla, my dog, jumped on us. "Awww! It's so cute!" Jon got along immediately with her, he doesn't just love dogs.. he gets along really well with them too! "She's Layla" I smiled while looking at Jon that was petting her, "Why don't we take a photo?! This moment it's so cute!" "Well- Yeah why not" he smiled as I took the photo of us with Layla and then send it to him. 

"I really love dogs! But I never dared to take one, I didn't know what my friends would have did-" he chuckled a bit saying this while he kept petting Layla, "Yeah I can imagine" smiling I headed to my room, "I'm gonna change into something more comfortable and then cook something for us, you can relax with Layla on the sofa!" "yeah thanks Maya!.." I saw him smiling and then taking his phone out. 

While changing my mind started to race, what did Jon dreamt about? I know he received a lot of calls today, probably by his friends? Everytime he tried to ignore it, but I know he noticed it. As his friend I'm going to distract him, I don't want to make him feel horrible for whatever happened in his dreams. 

I got out of my room and headed to the kitchen "so what do you wanna eat Jon?" "Oh! Whatever you have here is probably better than what I'm used to eat-" I laughed and started cooking when Jon entered in the kitchen and sat at the table. "If I can ask.. Since when have you been living alone?" "Oh well after high school my parents kicked me out because I "needed a life" so I stayed at a friend's place and started working so I could afford an house." Every time I tell someone this it makes me feel like an attention seeker- "Oh.. sorry for bringing that up.." he seriously needs to stop apologizing "Don't worry it's all fine." 

We chatted while I cooked, then we ate and Jon kept telling me I was a great cooker and I shouldn't work at a store, we sat on the couch with Layla and put on a film, Jon petted Layla almost all the time! I have been replaced by my dog- I can't believe it- Still, after the film I set up some blankets in the living room, we talked for a while and then fall asleep.

**HERE I DID IT! I CAN'T BELIEVE IT! God I finally had some ideas :') I'm so happy :') I'm loving Maya's character- like- she's the first character with an actual story and personality that I ever invented- still even tho I already said it, the next chapter will be out in a week


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