Chapter 14

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No one's pov:

The spanish man stared at his friend that was mentally getting ready for a mostly like interrogation.

"Would you like to explain what did you do when you left I don't know at what exact hour without saying anything, leaving just a note and coming back at 10 p.m.?" Eduardo was just glancing at him. Mark thought that he knew what he was doing when he left a note on the fridge that said:

'Guys it's me, Mark, I'm going to be in town this evening I don't know at what hour I'll be back so if I'm not here for 7.30/8.00 p.m. cook something or order a take out, do not make/take anything for me, thank you' 

But now he realized it wasn't a good idea. 

Eduardo didn't usually really care about what the others would do, if they were going out or staying at home, but since Jon left the first person to know if someone was leaving or entering the house was him. 

He hoped, every single time, the door would open and standing in front of the entrance there would have be the nice small boy that left all his friends and his home because of him, Eduardo wanted to hug Jon while apologizing for his actions, the insults and names he called him, he was really sorry this time.

"Even Todd didn't know where you went!" He wasn't really worried, it was more like he wanted to know why did he spent all this time out since there wasn't any motivations for doing so.. Or at least that's what the mean one thought.

Mark needed to find quickly an excuse, even tho Eduardo wanted to know that their friend was okay Mark promised Jon he wouldn't tell the others about him and he didn't want to lose his trust.

"I uh went out to eat, you know, to get some fresh air from all this situation" he smiled nervously as the other one still looked at him not convinced, but since he couldn't prove that his friend was lying and he was tired, Eduardo sighed and decided to let it slip this time.

"I'll believe you this time, if this happens again don't expect this talk to be quick as this one" he yawned. After saying this Eduardo headed to his bedroom and a short time later, the time the blonde guy needed to hang the coat he used and settled some things in the kitchen for the breakfast, Mark went to his room too. 

The differences in those two re-built houses, one next to eachother, that night were that in the house where the nice boy used to live, instead of having all the lights out, two of them were still on.

One of the two lights came from Eduardo's room. Despite begin tired, he couldn't get any sleep, not only because he couldn't stop thinking about Jon, if he was okay, if he would have ever see him again and most important if the light blue man would have ever forgive him for his actions; now his mind kept searching for an explanation to Mark's suddenly desire of going out that day. 

'Why would he stay out this late? Suddenly like this?' After what seemed hours for him but were substantially less than 20 minutes, he decided to find out himself.. But the next day. 

He flopped onto his bed turned his head around and once his gaze meets a picture of him and his other 3 friends smiling happily in front of their house, he groaned annoyed by the feeling that grew inside him seeing all of them happy. He reached out the switch of the lamp on his desk and turned his lights off.

The other light.. Well that came from Todd's room.

Todd might seem the kind of guy that wouldn't get offended or angry easily, and if we want to be honest he actually was, especially when he first met his actual friends.

Back in school him and Jon were inseparable, they knew everything about eachother, Todd knew about Jon questioning his sexuality, the possible crush he had on Eduardo in high school and how he loved going out and spending time with people, but the last two weren't really a secret. 

From the other hand Jon knew that Todd would easily get suspicious, didn't really liked going out and wasn't a great socializer. They were almost two totally different things, but they still loved spending time together and they still do.

But since Todd and the rest of his friends moved together, he would be in his room with his best friend listening to him venting out about how Eduardo's beahviour towards him changed.. and.. well he wasn't really happy about that of course.

He never did anything because every single time his friend would take out everything, at the end wiping eventual tears or holding another ice bag on an eye because of his friend's usual punch, he said that it was okay and sure that Eduardo would stop. 

When their friend's girlfriend, Laurel, died he even started telling that he was probably stressed and sad so he acted like that. 

Todd knew that it wasn't the reason.. even if he did asked himself why did Eduardo changed suddenly, he just didn't understand why Eduardo acted like this, sure he never was the kind of friend that would let you hug him everyday but neither one that bullies his friends. When they were in school he didn't treated Jon like that, they would usually hang out like normal friends do, well Eduardo used to "hit" them but in a kinda of playful way.

Despite this, he never said anything against Jon's thoughts. His mind told him that saying that it wasn't because of that and Eduardo would never change and keep treating him like that.. wasn't going to help. Of course he thought more than a time to tell him that, but never actually did.

Yeah right now he was still a bit cold towards Eduardo, but since it wasn't going to bring his friend back, it started pissing Mark off and Jon wrote that he didn't hate any of them (even if in Todd's view he would have hated Eduardo a lot), he wasn't as cold as when his friend left. 

But this night he wasn't thinking about that. 

That evening when him and Eduardo found Mark's note he thought his friend's behaviour was a bit suspicious. Of course for normal people wasn't, I mean, if one of your friends or roomates goes out, you wouldn't think their behaviour was suspicious right? Well Todd doesn't see it like this. 

Like it was already said he would easily became suspicious about almost everything, so he decided to find out were Mark went. 

His first thought was to ask him without make it seem like an interrogation but he soon threw the idea in the trash since he knew that his other friend would probably make it an actual interrogation. 

Then he had another idea, he thought that maybe he could track Mark's phone but he wasn't that good with technology and it wasn't safe or easy either.. But he eventually tried.. and failed.

Todd groaned in annoyance and just sat on the bed, then he heard the front door of the house. He peaked his head out of the door of his room and listened to the conversation between Mark and Eduardo. "I uh went out to eat, you know, to get some fresh air from all this situation." Todd rolled his eyes "Yeah, of course" he mumbled closing the door of his room once again. 

It was an obvious excuse for Todd. He decided to lay down and read, and so he did, for a good 40 minutes he read a book that he never bothered to open, coming from Mark for one of his birthdays, it wasn't a bad book after all. 

After reading 2 or 3 chapters he got tired and so turned off his lamp and went to sleep.

**Fucking chapter 14- didn't thought I would do it this far- 

Well.. I already made chapter 15 but I think I'll wait a bit before publish it- I'm not sure what to write for chapter 16 so I may put the book in pause for a little while, but there's a really small percentage that this will happen like the 2% if not 1%. 

I started working on the Eddmatt story that I'll probably publish in the start of the new year and a new story, but the new one hasn't really a principal character- it's just the gang in elementary school- like the flashback in the Poweredd episode, or were they in kindergarten?- Meh it looked like elementary school to me. 

After this, bye people**

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