Chapter 12

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Mark's pov:

The house trembled from Eduardo's scream, "MARK! WHERE THE FUCK IS MY DIET COKE?!" Well this Monday couldn't start in a better way, "You drank the last can yesterday Eduardo!" Todd answered for me from his room, "May you explain why there isn't any can left Mark?! Did you went to the store?!" "Well Friday I was busy cleaning my and Jon's room and.. Saturday and sunday.. I forgot-" He's going to kill somebody I can feel that, and that somebody will probably be me. 

"You are going to the store right now!" He should calm down a bit- "Okay fine! Just calm down!" Then Todd decided to make someone hear him, "Stop screaming down there! I'm trying to do something!" I sighed and just got two bags since I still needed to get food too.. 

"You need anything from the store Todd?" I asked Todd entering his room "No thanks, now out of here" I roll my eyes, really Todd hates if anyone enters in his room even if I just need to ask him something very quick. With that I just headed to the door of the house and left to get to the store. 

I decided to go on foot, I didn't want to get the car, it's not like I need to buy the entire store, just a few things no?

I looked at Edd in his garden with his friends, I don't wanna know what are they doing- they're cat is wearing wings and jumped on Edd's face as well- now they're trying to stop it from scratching all of Edd's face. Even if they would "fight" too sometimes, I have to admit I wished we would have a friendship more like theirs, me and the rest of the "group" well...

I sighed and started walking to the town. 

While I was walking there I wrote a list of what I needed to buy and turns out I should have went by car, now I'll have to ask Eduardo or Todd to come and pick me up from the store.. Amazing, it's just 11 a.m. and I'm already annoyed, this Monday couldn't really start in a better way.

As I arrived at the store I started to grab some of the things I needed, then I needed to find the diet coke. I started searching for it but after like 10 minutes of going around the store without finding it I stopped. 

"Ugh why do they always have to change the arrangement in here?!" I swear all of the times I came here they switched the place of the diet coke! I sighed and started to look around again but still couldn't find it, at some point I saw these two workers so I decided to ask them for help. "Excuse me, can you please tell me where is the diet coke?" the girl stared at me blankly as the guy turned around "Of course sir! It's-" he blocked himself as I froze staring at him..

Jon's pov:

"Of course sir! It's-" I stared at him. 

Mark was in front of me staring as if he saw a ghost. None of us spoke, neither Maya did, I can't believe this is happening! I thought Dan would have told me if any of them came in the store! Damn it! Here my plan of trying to disappear from my friends life fades away.. 

Maya almost threw me on the floor while moved me to her side and decided to face Mark about what she wanted us to do "Listen, you two probably have some things to clear but I'll have to ask you to wait till our shift is done, we have to work almost all day so for now he cannot talk to you, okay? Good, we will end around.. I don't know 6 or 7 p.m.? You can wait outside the store or go back home, if you do don't tell your friends anything please... Oh and the diet coke is two lanes ahead, Mark." Mark opened his mouth to say something but before he could do anything Maya dragged me away. 

Some minutes later wewere in one of the staff's room, "What do I do?! I wasn't ready for this!" Iwas panicking, I was just not ready to see even just one of them! 

Maya grabbed me by my shoulders "Calm down, Jon what did you though? That you wouldn't see them ever again? Just talk to him, he seemed truly worried for you!" She kept looking and probably explaining to me why I needed to do this but I only saw her mouth moving, I didn't heard anything of what she was saying. My mind kept taking me back to the times before the "incident", the lack of time where Eduardo treated me decently and everything was perfect.. and then to that nightmare.. I could still see them laughing at me before passing out. 

At this moment Maya slapped me, that was enough to bring me back to reality. 

"Jon, come on.. At least try, he's your friend, I'm sure he was worried just like the other two are." "Fine.." Maya just looked at me and then hit my shoulder lightly making me shiver.. but just a bit. "Come on, after work we can go to your apartment and while I cook something you two talk of what you need to share, it's for your own good" I just nodded while I stared at the wall, I couldn't believe this was happening, I'm going to talk to Mark again.. In part I was really happy, 'I'm going to talk to Mark after more than two months!' I thought.. but I was much more worried of what he would say to me..

*Time skip, they just finished their shift because I said so and I don't know what else should I say (7.30 p.m.)*

I spent the whole daythinking 'Maybe he got tired and decided to leave, Mark isn't someone thatwould wait in front of a store for half of the day!' but when me and Mayagrabbed our things and headed at the exit of the store he was still outside.. Ican't believe this.. HE WAITED OUTSIDE HERE FOR 7 HOURS?! "You waited hereoutside for this much time?-" I can see Maya noticed too! "No I went home tobring the food and eat lunch... I was waiting out here since.. one hour agomaybe?.."

I just looked away from him as Maya began to drag me on the way to my apartment building, she stopped and looked at Mark that didn't even moved a bit just staring at us.

I just looked away from him as Maya began to drag me on the way to my apartment building, she stopped and looked at Mark that didn't even moved a bit just staring at us.

"Are you coming or no?" I looked at Mark for a moment to see him smiling slightly as he approached us. 

Half of the walk wassilent till Mark broke the awkward moment "I don't wanna be rude but may I knowwho you are?.." Maya kept walking at my side as she answered Mark's question,"Oh right, I'm Maya, Jon's friend since he started working at the store, it'snice meeting you Mark!" I just looked at the ground trying to ignore thesituation hoping to arrive home quickly, "You.. know my name?" "Yeah! Jon toldme about you and your other friends.. Oh we are almost there" She realized thatI was still uncomfortable and didn't want to talk at all, so the conversationdied there

We arrived home and as I opened the door Maya "teleported" inside like she always do, "You better have something decent to cook this time Jon" she said while taking her shoes and jumper off, "Yeah I bought something" I sighed, I turned around and looked at Mark at the front door, "You can come in.." I mumbled it but he heard as he stepped inside my apartment almost whispering a 'thank you'. 

"Well I found something that can be cooked so while I'm making your food, you guys will be in Jon's room talking of whatever you need to talk about.. And no, it's not a question Jon." Oh come on! She's not my mum! "Why are you deciding what I need to do?!-" "Stop acting like a child and do what I said" she said while shove us in my room. 

"I'll call you when the food is ready!" With this she left going back to the kitchen to cook. 

Mark looked around the room, to be more specific he was looking at the photos.. even if he was trying not to get caught, I sighed, I guess I don't have many choices. 

**Come on we knew this would happen no?- Well this story is still cringe as a girl I know.. and believe me she's terrible :) 

see you in a week!**

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