Chapter 13

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**Yep I made a part before the week ended, I'm amazing u3u. Haha no I'm not but ehh who cares?-**

Jon's pov:

"If you want to look at the photos the other ones are in the drawer.." Mark turned around looking at me as a timid smile started to grow on his face, I got to the drawer, grabbed the photos and handed them to him looking away.

I sat on the bed as he did too; after 5 or 6 photos he chuckled while looking at one, "..What's funny?" I asked him, he looked at me and smiled more, "It's just this photo" he said showing it to me, "A photo of me and Eduardo from high school?.." I was a bit confused.. was he laughing because of what was him and Todd were doing in the background when this photo was taken? 

"Well.. it's just that like two days ago I caught Eduardo sleeping in your room with the exact same photo" he laughed again while I was just really surprised and.. inside I was really happy and confused at the same time. 'Does this mean he cares for me?!' I thought without noticing at first the smile appearing on my face and the light red my cheecks turned, instead Mark noticed it and a sweet smile appeared on his face. 

"You know.. we all miss you, it's really strange not having you around the house helping and talking." 'They miss me!?' "You.. do?" Mark looked at me and chuckled again, "Of course, you can't even imagine Todd's behaviour towards Eduardo and.. Eduardo can't hear your name, he doesn't say anything about you, but both me and Todd know that he looks at old pictures in your room." 

He told me this smiling eyes closed, when I realized I had tears rolling down my face, as soon Mark opened his eyes again he probably thought I didn't feel well. "Ehi you okay?! Did I said something that hurt you?.." I wiped the tears away while answering him, "No no! I'm just so happy!" I said sobbing. 

It's the first time that I cried like this in front of him but he didn't judge me, instead Mark hugged me and I returned the hug letting some tears roll down to end on my bed, tears of happiness.

No one's pov:

After having his moment Jon recomposed himself, he and Mark talked for more than an hour (Maya what the heck are you cooking) of what passed in their minds. 

Mark asked Jon what he did after his "ran away" from the house and learnt that the guy who went out of their loud neighbors house was him, even tho Jon refused to explain why he was there and the thing Matt said avoiding awkwardly the topic moving on another question.

Jon wanted to know how the others were doing despite him leaving, Mark told him how the first weeks were a bit harder for them, especially for Eduardo, that knew he was the reason of the disappearing of the smaller boy, but got eventually better during the time Jon would look at their messages. 

They haven't talked this much together for a long time.. but eventually the conversation began more serious when Mark had the courage of asking Jon the question that floated in his mind for a lot. 

"Uh Jon I need to ask.. why did you blocked our phone's number?.." Jon frightened, he looked down to the bed while short flashes of the nightmare took place in his mind and more clear the fragments of that experience at the edge of reality would get, more panic just grew inside the poor boy. 

Mark understood that something was wrong when he noticed his friend slightly shaking staring down at the bed, he realized that something had happened some days before or even the exact day Jon blocked them, there couldn't be other explanations no?  

"Jon if you don't feel like telling me it's okay.." Mark said smiling and putting an hand on Jon's shoulder to reassure him, to his friend surprise Jon flinched slightly at that touch that made Mark take his hand away giving Jon a confused and worried look. To the other hand Jon just tried to avoid his reaction smiling awkwardly, he did not want his friend to know what his thoughts about them were.

Jon brought up a new subject for their conversation so his calm friend just decided to let that slip.. for now. 

After another couple of minutes talking Maya reached out to them, "Dinner's ready!" She said smiling opening the door, "What had you for so long?" the energic girl just put a finger in front of Jon's face "sh sh sh Jon, I have my reasons" as Jon moved her hand away from his face Mark got up and they all headed to the kitchen and started eating. 

Maya got to know Mark during the dinner ad everything was just perfect, Jon was smiling looking at his new friend and one of the oldest ones talking and getting along, it was amazing for him, he didn't felt this way in a lot of time. 

Eventually after the dinner Mark had of course to leave and go back to the others, "Well it was nice meeting you Maya and even more nice seeing you Jon" he smiled, "But I have to go before Eduardo and Todd start thinking that I disappeared too.." Mark's smile trembled a bit, "You want to go there on foot?!" Maya was shocked and Jon wasn't really calm thinking of one of his friends walking in the city, during night time and alone. 

"We are taking you there with my car! Jon put on a hoodie and let's go get my car!" Jon grabbed a hoodie that was at the entrance and quickly put it on.

"Thanks guys, but you really shouldn't have, I could have walked home" Mark said smiling embarrassed once they all were in the car about to go take Mark back.

"Nonsense Mark! You know how dangerous can it be to go around like that during night?!" Jon and Maya were saying the almost same thing since they exit Jon's apartment. 

The ride wasn't too long and when they arrived Mark stopped to say the last things to them, but mostly Jon of course. 

"First thank you again for the dinner and the ride back guys" Maya smiled "No problem dude" "And Jon, we will wait to see you again here at home, you have to take all the time you need" Mark said looking at Jon in his eyes, he knew something was impeding Jon to came back but he wasn't going to force his light blue friend to tell him. "Thanks Mark.. We will see eachother at the store!" Jon smiled at the thought, "Yeah, your right" it was an amazing news for Mark, he could eventually find out what happen and even if he doesn't he could see his friend sometimes. 

"Just.. don't tell the others you saw me.." Mark froze, he really didn't want to be seen by them... "O-Oh yeah of course Jon.." Mark gave them a small smile "Bye guys, goodnight and thanks again." He heard the car leave as he entered in his house trying not to make any noise, but when he switched the lights of the living room on, imagine who he found looking at him clearly annoyed? Yes, it was Eduardo and by the look of his face he wasn't happy at all. 

'This is gonna be hell..' 

**Well Eduardo didn't have anything to do if he waited there until Mark came back- Still sorry if it's short- I just couldn't make it any longer- but yeah this story is still cringe af am I wrong? -w-**

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