Chapter 4

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Todd's pov (finally Todd's pov has arrived):

I woke up that was 7:30 a.m. smelling the "delicious" breakfast that Mark's makes us, at least is something we can eat safely, so even if I wanted to sleep more I decided to go downstairs to eat.

As I passed the other's rooms I could see that their doors were still closed so I thought that a part from Mark and me, Eduardo and Jon were still asleep. I went downstair and headed to the kitchen, there was Mark sitting at the table eating his breakfast. "Morning Todd" "Morning" I sat smiling and started eating, some minutes later Eduardo came in the kitchen and sat and started eating too. We finished eating and Eduardo went on the sofa and started watching tv, Mark was doing the dishes and I was bored. 

"Todd go wake up Jon please, his breakfast is just here on the table getting air." "Of course Mark!" When Jon's done with his breakfast I can show him some photos that I made while I was away! Smiling at the thought I walked to Jon's room and knocked. "Sleepyhead it's almost 08:30 a.m. your breakfast will start rotting if you leave it there" I said laughing a bit but there was no answer. "Uh Jon?" Still no answer. I slowly opened the door to found just an empty room. "Jon?.." No one answered, no one was there. "Jon? If it's a joke stop it" Again no answer. Just me and the emptiness of his room. "Okay Todd, calm down, maybe he is in the bathroom, yeah it's probably like this no?" I thought smiling even if in reality I was starting to worry. I rushed at the bathroom's door to check if he was in there and probably disturbed Eduardo because I heard him saying "Don't run up there! I can't hear the tv!" I didn't even bothered to answer him.. No one was in the bathroom. I went back in his room and sat on his bed, in that moment I noticed a piece of paper on his desk. I know I'm not supposed to look at my best friend's stuff.. but I didn't know what else I could do.. I took the note and started reading it. I stared at the note. I got up and went downstairs silently. 

"So is he coming downstairs? Is he feeling good?" I completely ignored all Mark's questions and directly went in front of Eduardo. "what are you doing? I can't see the tv Todd, move out of the way". In that moment I felt the anger take the control of my body, I'm not someone that would use violence to resolve problems, but this time.. it was different, I punched Eduardo in his stomach and he fell on the ground. "WHAT THE HELL TODD?!" He screamed and coughed, as he heard Eduardo screaming at me Mark ran in the living room but I wouldn't let him do anything before I would have said what I wanted. I didn't even realized that while this was happening I teared up "SHUT IT EDUARDO! IT'S ALL YOUR FAULT! I SHOULD HAVE DONE THIS BEFORE!" Mark went between us, "CALM DOWN NOW YOU TWO" "SHUT IT MARK!" I was filled with anger and regret for haven't did anything before, I crumpled the note and throw it at Eduardo "IT'S THANK TO YOU THAT THIS HAPPENED YOU FUCKING IDIOT!" Just after that I left the room and went into mine when I heard Mark gasp.

Mark's pov:

What has got into Todd?! He isn't someone that acts like this! "SHUT IT MARK!" he crumpled a paper and throw it at Eduardo, "IT'S THANK TO YOU THAT THIS HAPPENED YOU FUCKING IDIOT!" after he left the room. I picked up the crumpled paper and opened it, I found out it was a note.

Dear Todd, Mark and Eduardo,

It's been some time since I started thinking this.. I didn't want to do this at first.. but I really need it. As you would probably noticed, my things and clothes aren't in my room anymore and I'm not there too.. I thought that leaving for a while it was the better for me.. I want you to know that I don't hate you guys and I'm not angry, I just really need time alone without getting punched or things like this.. so I can clear my mind. I'll say it again, I don't hate any of you, you all are my friends and my only family.. see you guys soon.

Your friend, Jon

I gasped and started to get worried.. I never thought this would have happened.. "What's wrong with him" Eduardo was now standing up behind me, "So, what's his problem" "Jon left.." I whispered not wanting to believe it. I gave the note to Eduardo and went to grab my phone to see if he would answer my calls for at least let me know that he was okay, with a roof on his head and not on the street.

Eduardo's pov:

"Jon left.." I just stood there in the center of our living room as Mark gave me a note and left "What?.." After reading it I just sat on the sofa looking at every single word. I was feeling horrible, I never thought I would have felt guilt for Jon.. He left and it was because of me. Well of course it makes sense, the only thing that I did since we move together in the house was treating him like shit. It was all because of my fucking way of treating him.. I crumpled the note and put it in a pocket. I can't even say a proper sorry this time..

*Edd's house*

Jon's pov:

I just woke up and it's almost 9 a.m., I never slept this much, usually Todd would wake me up for 8.45 a.m. or around that time. I looked around and remembered that I was in Edd's attic and not in my room, "Right.. I left yesterday and they let me stay here.." I thought. 

I got up because my phone kept vibrating non-stop so I took it, when I watched the notifications they were filled with missing calls from Mark and messages from Todd. I was terrified, what if they were angry? What if they were happy about me leaving? I didn't even bothered to look at the messages, I got dressed and went downstair to go out and start searching for an apartment or something but someone grabbed me.

"Where do you think your going? You want to get caught by your friends after not even a day?" It was Edd, "Yeah your right.. I didn't thought about it" "Before going out there's breakfast" "Uh don't worry, I don't want to abuse of your kindness, you've already let me stay in your house after begin an asshole to you with the others, I'll just go find something to put on so they don't recognize me" Edd looked at me "Eat something and then we can go ask Matt if he has something with maybe an hood so you can cover your head since he as a full wardrobe" "I'm not hungry really-" Edd sighed, maybe I'm begin annoying. This whole situation is really embarrassing for me and for them too probably.. "..Sorry.." Edd stared at me "Why are you sorry? You didn't do anything?" "I just thought that I annoyed you.. I didn't?" Maybe I'm the strange one, "No, if your not hungry it's okay." He smiled, Eduardo was wrong about him, he has changed from kindergarten. 

"Come on let's go to Matt's room so you can find something to put on." He made his way to Matt's room while his cat followed us and then entered the room without asking anything. "Matt!" Matt, that was admiring himself in a mirror, fell off his bed and turned around, as he saw us he took a deep breath. "Yes Edd?" "Do you have, a part from this mirrors, some clothes that you don't use in this "room"?" Edd said a bit quietly the mirror thing but I'm pretty sure Matt heard that because he was looking at Edd like he was about to slam the door on his face- but I have to admit that it's true, Matt's room is full of mirrors. "Yes I do, but don't say anything at my beautiful mirrors or my room" He got up from his bed and went to his wardrobe, then he opened it and start throwing clothes around the room- I probably looked at scene in a strange way because Edd looked at me and whispered "I know". "Mmm not this, this one neither, this one? Okay, I have three of this so of course and- you already have a shirt that you can put under a hoodie or- something like it right?" "yeah of course-" "good!" Matt's been throwing clothes around for ten minutes probably and one of his shirts end on Edd's cat that hissed and ran downstairs while Edd ran to him or her- "You can use these!" he showed me some black jeans and some kind of a.. violet hoodie? It wasn't really an hoodie I think- more a small shirt with an hood- "Uh what happened to that hoodie?-" "Oh no it's made like this!" he said smiling. I sighed without getting noticed and thanked Matt for the clothes heading to the attic to change.

I.. don't look too bad I guess? Even if it's strange dressing like this. Then I heard Tom calling me "Jon! Come!" I really need to go dressed like this? Well I don't have many choices.. I went downstairs, Tom wasn't really paying attention to me and just gave me a note while reading a book. "Try to see if in this places they can find you an apartment." "Thank you" I said smiling while grabbing my phone and heading out. When I opened the door I put the hood up and started walking to the town.

**Okay- sorry the chapter was supposed to be published yesterday, I went to London and I didn't have internet so here it is. Also, I don't have many ideas right now and school isn't making it easier, so the chapters could take longer time to be made, but for now the next chapter is still coming out in 4 days so bye ^^**

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