Two: Adoption

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The Fault Is In Ourselves; Ariel & Dylan

(Holmes Chapel, Cheshire)

||Ariel's POV||

I yawned and rubbed my eyes. It was early morning and I had a big day ahead of me. First I needed to go visit RJ and Brock since they were planning on adopting a little girl today than I had to enrol my daughter, Danielle for school. I rolled over and turned to face the man sleeping next to me. I grinned and playfully tapped his nose to wake him up.

"Morning Ariel." He mumbled.

"Morning Nate." I said as I rose out of bed to head to the bathroom.

After changing into my clothes for the day, (basically just jeans and an old "The Fray" t-shirt I had), I walked over to Danielle's room. Her room had white walls and white furniture but the bed was filled with pastel coloured blankets wrapping around her like a cocoon. Her delicate blonde hair was the only thing that was visible.

I walked over, "Dani," I whispered into her ear, "let's go. Time to wake-up sunshine!"

She rubbed her eyes and giggled when she saw me. She wrapped her small arms around my neck to give me a good-morning hug.

"Morning mum! Is today the day I go to see Uncle RJ and Uncle Brock again?" She asked me with excitement and hope filling her eyes.

"Sure is!" I happily told her.


My phone buzzed, meaning I had gotten a text. I picked it up and sighed. It was from a number who was threatening me. I got these on a daily basis, ever since May, two months ago. Nate looked over my shoulder and frowned at the latest message.

"I'm coming for you Ariel Reyes. Wouldn't want to mess with me." He read out loud. "You should really get somebody to track down the number. People need to stop threatening you, babe."

I nodded and told him I'd stop by the police station before work tomorrow. RJ and Brock were already at the adoption centre waiting for Dani and I.


Dani skipped on the sidewalks as I tried to catch up with her. She was only 4 but she was very energetic, like Dylan was. No stop it Ariel, I thought to myself, you can't keep thinking about Dylan. I tried to erase the bad memories and the bad scars by smiling and showing I was ok yet clearly I wasn't. I haven't seen him for almost 5 years now and I miss him so much. But I have Nate, who makes me happy and loved, not like Dylan who measly said "good-bye" so easily. I hated him or that was what my mind made me think. My heart told another story. My thoughts about Dylan were quickly interrupted by Dani.

"Mum! I see Uncle RJ!" Dani cried, smiling so wide before she ran into his arms. RJ picked her up and twirled her around while Brock stared in awe. I smiled, I'm so glad RJ and I are still close and nothing has changed.


Mr. And Mr. Peirce (RJ and Brock)

||RJ's POV||

Ariel, Brock and I wandered into the main office of "Holmes Chapel Adoption Centre" while Dani went to go play with some kids. This place had a very happy vibe to it with all the smiling children, laughs and squeals. It made my heart melt. Brock nudged me just as the lady started talking.

She started talking about all the papers we would have to fill out and how some of the kids might not be so enthusiastic about getting "new" parents. But finally, we were able to pick a kid or a teenager. Which ever one we wanted. She also said that the teenagers don't get adopted often which I think fucking sucks.

"RJ?" asked Ariel, "Can you please find Dani? I need to go use the bathroom and Brock needs to stay since he's like the only one that actually payed attention to all this ish."

I laughed, "Sure. Brock I'll be right back, babe." I said grinning at him.

After maybe five minutes, I found Dani talking to a 16 year old girl with dark blue eyes and and long black hair pulled into a side braid. The hair was obviously dyed since you could see dark brown hair at the roots. She seemed to be having a good conversation with Dani before she noticed me. She stared at me sadly and slowly put her head down, thinking that she wouldn't be adopted today. Dani turned to face me, her adorable face trying to tell me something.

"Uncle RJ that's Leah and she's my new best friend! Can I visit her sometimes?" She pleaded.

I crouched down to get to her height and said out loud so Leah could hear, "Yup.

She'll be over at my house most of the time."

||Leah's POV||

I was being adopted! By RJ Peirce and Brock Peirce! They had asked me if I wanted to keep my last name (which was "Janice") but since I never knew my biological parents, I said no. Therefore, my name would no longer be "Leah Kylie Janice", it was going to be "Leah Kylie Peirce". I ran up the stairs and into my small room to pack my stuff while Dani (aka my new best friend!) and Auntie Ariel (aka the coolest person ever!) came to help. I'm so excited for the new life ahead of me! Who knows what will happen in this reality?

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