Eight: Soaring, Flying.

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The Fault in Ourselves

||Brock's POV||

"RJ,hurry up! We gotta get to Ariel's house in like 10 minutes!" I cried at my lovely but lame husband who was dragging about three big ass luggage a down the front porch. Leah was giggling behind him. It was amazing to have Leah in our family. She reminded me of RJ when I first met him, annoying as fuck but 100% loveable.

"Damn you Brock, you could at least help!" he whined.

"Hey!" I scolded him, "No swearing in front of Leah!"

Leah smirked, "It's okay. I mean I hear RJ constantly yelling swears at night if y'know what I mean."

RJ turned beet red and I just started laughing uncontrollably.

||Ariel's POV||

It was about 7 am in the morning and I was just waiting for Brock and RJ to get here. We were all going to drive to London and Dylan was gonna meet us there at the airport alongside with the other squad.

"Okay Dani, double check. Do you have everything you need?" I asked her before she zipped up the light blue backpack that held most of her precious items.

She handed it to me so I could check it. iPod for her music, check. Charger, check. Headphones, check. Small fleece blanket, check. Colouring book, check. Crayons, check. Flounder the Fish, check. And last but not least, her little Ariel Doll that I gave her. She loved it and once told me, "Mum, I want to carry this doll everywhere I go because that means you'll always be with me."

She smiled excitedly at me, "Did I forgot anything?"

I shook my head and kissed her small forehead. "Nope. All ready to go!"

She squealed at put on her backpack and shoes. She needed help tying them though so it took a minute.

Nate was waiting outside when I came outside with my luggage and an extra one for Dani. Dani ran over to Leah excitedly while Brock helped me with all the luggages.

"Are Dani and Nate okay?" Brock asked me in a worried tone.

I scrunched my eyebrows in confusion, "Ya? What do you mean?"

He jutted his chin towards Dani who RJ was carrying. Dani was crying hysterically as Nate tried to hug her good-bye. She was screeching and throwing her hands in the air as RJ and Nate tried to calm her down. Leah reached into the blue backpack and pulled out the fleece blanket. She handed it to RJ who wrapped it around Dani. Instantly, Dani fell asleep.

Brock took Dani from RJ as I walked over to Nate.

"What was that?" I whispered/yelled at him.

"I don't know! Maybe she's tired!" he exclaimed.

I decided I would deal with it later. "Bye Nate. See you two weeks. Love you." I said as I kissed him on the lips.

We hugged for a minute until I realized we had to get going. I climbed into the big black hummer and settled in. Dani sat in between me and Leah while RJ took shotgun as Brock started driving.

"Hey what about Dylan?" I questioned nervously.

Leah turned to me, "He's meeting us there."

I nodded. This was gonna be a hell of a fucked up trip.


||RJ's POV||

We got to the airport just in time and spotted Dylan right away. He looked half asleep to be honest and his messy quiff was well messy.

He yawned, "Where are the rest?"

I shook my head. "No idea. Maybe their late."

"We're here fucktrucks!" cried a familiar voice followed by another familiar voice which cried, "Taylor! Kids!"

Taylor trudged over to us with a luggage in one hand and the hand of Landyn in the other.

"Taylor!" I cried as I opened my arms for a hug. He hugged me then hugged Dylan. Landyn came up and Dylan jokingly said, "Hey it's the newest member of our fucktruck squad!"

"Dylan! Kids!" yelled Faith again.


||Dylan's POV||

Once we boarded the plane, I found out someone, ahem Faith, made me sit near Ariel. Thank god Dani would sit in between us. I love Dani, she's so cute!

Dani couldn't stop twitching until we were about to board the plane. She kept squealing and Ariel kept trying to shush her.

"Dani you have to be quiet, Ariel needs to show the passports before we go flying."

Ariel smiled at me and handed hers and Dani's passport to the passport control lady.

"Ariel Jade Reyes," she said nodding towards her, "Danielle Melody Jacobs." she said again nodding towards little Dani.

"That's me!" squealed Dani.

"Shhhh, remember you need to be quiet." I quickly reminded her. She nodded fast and zipped her lips.

I handed my passport and she looked at me, "Dylan Joshua Foster."

We were let through and boarded the plane. Dani excitedly ran to the seat and buckled herself up. She pulled out her Ariel doll and Flounder the fish.

"Guys, we're flying!" she whispered to them.

Ariel smiled at her daughter and I couldn't help but turn pink after realizing that I was checking her out. I ran my fingers through my hair to calm it down. You can do this.


The plane started to run down the run way and I held my breath. I had overcome my fear of heights so I was excited that I could actually enjoy this trip. Dani however, was scared. I mean it was her first time flying. She started crying and that caused Ariel to look even more tired and stressed. I decided I would give Ariel a break and try to sort out Dani.

"Hey Dani," I cooed, "I'm gonna sing you a song, okay? Do you wanna hear it?"

She nodded as tears streamed down her face and she held on Flounder and the doll, Ariel.

I took a breath and a dozen of memories came flying back to me as I sang, "Come up to meet you, tell you I'm sorry. You don't know how lovely you are. I had to find you, tell you I need you. Tell you I'll set you apart.
Tell me your secrets and ask me your questions. Oh, let's go back to the start. Running in circles, coming up tails. Heads on a science apart.
Nobody said it was easy
It's such a shame for us to part.
Nobody said it was easy.
No one ever said it would be this hard
Oh, take me back to the start."

Dani smiled and slowly cuddled into Ariel's arms as she soon as she calmed down.


Ariel turned to face me, "Have you figured out who's threatening me?" she asked quietly so she wouldn't wake up Dani.

"Well we contacted all phone companies and their trying to trace the number. Except, their are more than one phone with the same number." I said trying to not worry her.

"Shit." she cursed under her breath.

Faith kicked the back of Ariel's seat and yelled, "Ariel! Kids!"

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