Seventeen: All Together

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oh my god guys we're so sorry for not updating! we will update soon, I promise it's just that we both have busy schedules, however stay forward to more chapters as they are coming soon. anyways this is dedicated to my mains, Costa Rica, Ice & Mint. we dedicate this to all of you. 😂

the authors of stuck in reality

Sam's POV

Taylor, Jai and I were all about to go out. Jai and I realized that Taylor was still a little down on the divorce (but seriously, it's been four fucking months) so we faked that everything was okay between us so we could take Taylor out.

"But what about Landyn?" Taylor asked nervously.

I was about to say that Meghan could take care of them but Jai quickly said Candice would. I can see why Jai didn't trust Meghan but what could you do.

Hopping into my black Porsche, I sped through the streets off New York to meet them at a very exclusive club.

Once I parked I spotted Jai's mustang and chuckled. Nothing still beats my Porsche.
The club was crowded but I spotted Jai and Taylor at a booth.

"Yo Sam!" Taylor said, walking over to greet me.
"'Sup." I said while greeting him and Jai.

Jai nodded awkwardly and I smiled a small smile at him.

Almost immediately we all walked over to the bar and ordered a shit ton of drinks. Taylor downed them easily and I kinda felt sorry for him. Out of bad habit I pulled him aside.

"What?" he slurred.

I smirked and pulled a ziplock bag filled with cocaine. Taylor's eyes widened at the white substance but he nodded quickly. I pulled him towards my car and we both sat up front. I poured it on the dashboard and whipped out my credit card to put it into some lines. Taylor eagerly snorted it all up. I had a bad feeling but I felt good that Taylor was becoming himself again. We snorted up three more lines and I lit up some joints.

"What if Jai sees?" Taylor laughed, already getting high.

"We don't tell him." I said laughing along.
A few minute of silence passed by when Jai finally spotted us.

"What the fuck man?" he yelled, small clouds leaving his mouth due to the cold.

"Look, Jai it's not-" I started to say but he cut me off.

"Don't leave me out ever again!" he laughed as he opened the door to join us.

Taylor and I looked at each other, shocked and back at Jai, who was jumping up and down excitedly. Taylor hesitantly passed him a joint and Jai excitedly took it. Maybe he was really really drunk..

A few minutes later, we were interrupted by a loud knock on our window.

"Sir, we can smell a distinctive smell of marijuana coming from this vehicle. Please step out so we can do an inspection." a cop explained seriously.

Jai rolled down the windows and threw up his middle finger at the cop.

"Fuck the police!" he yelled.

Taylor stared at me, his eyes still bloody red and smoked. "Drive!"

I stepped hard on the pedal and we sped down the streets with the police chasing us. I tried to do quick turns and passed by one alley so the police would lose track of us. But in all honesty, we were laughing our fucking heads off. I dented my car from banging into another car but finally the police lost track of us. I parked again at another alley and we couldn't stop laughing.

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