Ten: Costa Rican Love and Water Beds

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Hey guys<3333
sorry for not updating aha we've all been extremely busy but definitely start looking forward to more chapters. ;)

The authors of stuck in reality.

Faith's POV

After arriving in Costa Rica, Taylor, the kids, Ariel, Dani and I all lugged our luggage up to our room. Since its been FOREVER we decided to all share a room, plus Dani and Landyn seem to have "hit it off" quiet well (if that's like even possible for preschoolers..)

Dani and Bailey where straggling behind, they were probably talking about how fancy this resort was. I heard Bailey say it earlier, "This place is like a castle!"

"Wow Mummy this room is HUGE!" Landyn squealed once Taylor unlocked the room door (after 3000 times of trying to get that stupid key card to work...)

The kids all ran in, followed by us adults. All the kids would be sharing the first room in our hotel, Ariel had her own part separated from ours and the kids by a sliding door, and Taylor and I had our own room.

"Woah! Faith did you know this from had a water bed?" Taylor gasped as he pointed towards the big squishy matters, he sounded like a four year old.. He'd fit in perfectly!

"Um no, I didn't actually," I said , plopping my lulu lemon duffel bag onto the love set in the corner of our room,

"WATER BED!" The kids squealed once again in perfect harmony, Dani ran over and began poking it lightly, making the bed make a sloshing sound.

"Oh no hunny, this isn't a toy!" Ariel smiled, brushing the hair out of her face and crossing her arms.

But of course, the kids wouldn't listen and they all began stabbing at the water bed with their little four, five and six year old fingernails.

Just as we were all about the tell the kids to stop again, we heard several loud knocks on the door.

"Great! We just got here and we're gettin' kicked out of the resort already!"
Taylor said, jogging over to the door.

Whenever he jogged or ran I felt instantly turned on for some reason. I bit my lip and started twirling a loose strand of hair around my finger.

"Is this the right room! Just kidding, give me a hug guys!" A male voice rang through the room. We all knew who it was! Ariel got goosebumps the minuets the voice reached her earshot.

"Dylan's here!" Taylor beamed as he walked back into sight, this time Dylan trailed behind him.
Dani's head shot up from its fixation on the waterbed.

"Hey I know you!" She said, pointing to Dylan.
"I know you too! I sat with you on the plane!" He laughed. I walked over to Ariels side and whispered in her ear. She was frozen in one spot, barely breathing.

"Are you okay?" I asked. I knew she'd seen him a little over two hours ago on the plane, but after what happened between them it would be tough whenever you saw them..

"I'm fine," she said snapping out of her daze.

"Good" I smiled.
I felt like I could tell Ariel and Gabby anything! They were after all my best friends!

"Oh cool a water bed!" Dylan wailed, running over towards the pile of little kids, he began poking at the bed too...

Can someone please explain to me how these people are considered adults? I laughed a little to myself as I watched Dylan poke the bed. Ariel blushed.

Another knock was heard on the door, this time I walked over to answer it because I knew who was there!

"Gabby!!" I yelled, pulling open the door. Ariel ran over and we all embraced in a huge hug. It felt amazing, just like back in the old days!

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