Three: New York, New York

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Welcome to New York!

Sam's POV

"Babe have a fucking amazing day today", says Meghan as she kisses me, making me want more. She helps me put on my $5,000 suit while I style my hair. I love my life so much because I have a multimillion company on Wall Street in New York, a great home, a whole car collection, my own private jet and a perfect wife who's name is Meghan.

Before leaving, I kiss my five year old son, Ace Johnson. Meghan comes up and picks him up in one hands. God I love them both so much.

I take my limo to my office in wallstreet. I wanted Jai to be my side but after the whole incident with Gabby he never talks to me. We lost contact, sadly. But fuck that, that was 5 years ago.

I am making millions everyday.

Now the real question is, was this all legal?

Absolutely fucking not.

No one can catch me though.

Even though I don't give a shit about Gabby I'm wondering where she is in life. I hope she's not doing too bad. I haven't even apologized to her for breaking her heart.

I grab my hundred dollar bill and snort my cocaine off my desk. To top that I have my ecstasy pills.

Jai's POV

"Ivy get ready fast. Daddy needs to go meet your new teacher at your soon-to-be school! And then he needs to go to work."I say as I grab my range rover keys off the marble table while I put on my grey hoodie and SnapBack.

"Okay daddy I'm ready.", she says as she comes out of her room.

I decorated her room in a pastel green shade as that seems to be her favourite colour. It overall was perfect. My life was.

Ivy was wearing this gorgeous Chanel t shirt that Gabby bought for her and a red bandana.

"You look beautiful", I say to her as I pick her up, putting her in the car seat.

"Daddy.", she says to me as we cross to bridge to get to her school, St. Jude's.

"Yeah sweetheart.", I reply.

"I love the hood, it's my life but I kinda want a mum..", she says.

This really does get to me every time but I just say the basic reply, "Don't worry darling, you have Auntie Gabby."

She agrees as she sits quietly in the back seat. The young girl was only 5 but she made me extremely proud and I was a happy father.

We finally reach St. Jude's and I walk Ivy to what will be her classroom after this summer, and I quickly notice that the teacher is fine!

Damn she's hot I think to myself as she comes up to introduce herself.

"Hi, my name is Cadence Dunmont and I'll be Ivy's teacher", she says as she smiles. That smile kills me. Fuck is this love at first sight or something?

"Oh hello. My name is Jai Reid", I reply back, shaking her hand. I don't feel like letting go but I have to.

"Ivy looks adorable and by her testing, she seems extremely intelligent. I can see Ivy getting into a really good university such as Cambridge, even though that's many years away.", Cadence says.

"Oh I actually went to Cambridge."

"Really? What's it like?", she says enthusiastically, she seems impressed.

"It was perfect. I wish if I was still there, in my University days. I can't describe how much I miss it. But now I've got this little chick by my side!"I say, signalling to Ivy.

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