Five: Watch It Begin Again

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The Fault In Ourselves

Ariel's POV

I got out of my silver volvo after I parked it in front of the police office and unbuckled Dani out of her car seat. She giggled constantly, as if this was all fun and games to her. It wasn't. Again, the thought of Dylan began to fill my mind. He graduated with a law enforcement degree but then he had to move to Bradford which really killed me since I knew I had to move to Holmes Chapel for my counselling job. Our paths never crossed since then and honestly, I was to scared on what would happen if they did. My thoughts were interrupted again, by Dani who took my hand and began to drag me towards the front door.

The door opened and Dani tugged on the hem of my shirt.

"Mummy," she whispered, "their playing that song you always sing to me before I sleep!"

I paused to listen then smiled a sad smile. It was "A Thousand Years". I almost wanted to cry but I tried to hold myself together.

I crouched down to get to Dani's height and whispered to her, "Yea. I'm glad you know it."

She smiled at me and I tried to smile back. I stood up again and faced the secretary at the front desk. "Hi," I started to say in my best professional voice. "I'm uhm looking for an officer that I can talk to?"

She nodded and typed something down on her computer. "Yup, we have an officer who's able to talk to you for about a half hour. Just find office 13 in that hall." she said, pointing towards a bright hallway with little doors.

Dani rushed down the hallway, singing at the top of her lungs, and I didn't know why. She ran into one of the rooms while I tried to catch up with her.

Dylan's POV

"All along I believed I would find you, time has brought your heart to me I have loved you for a thousand years..." sang a little cheery voice, cascading through the halls until "it" stumbled into the room. "It" had long blonde hair with dark blue eye and pink cheeks. She looked about 4 years old and she was skinny, wearing a pastel green tank top and black skinny jeans with black converse. She looked at me then smiled, a smile that looked so similar to one that I loved. Fuck.

"Hey," I said sweetly attempting to not scare her away, "What's your name? Are you here alone?"

She shook her head, "Nope! My mummy came here to talk about top secret important stuff." she whispered.

I couldn't help but laugh, she reminded me of myself when I was her age. The only difference is that I'm a guy, not a girl.

"Dani! Don't run away like that!" yelled a voice from outside my office. A young woman came in and picked up the little girl who's name ended up to be Dani. I couldn't see her face yet since it was covered by shoulder length brown hair.

I coughed to get her attention, and she looked up and I swear time stopped. I could see her face now, and my heart jumped. It was Ariel. She looked a little older, but everything else was the same. Wait...Dani was her daughter?

"Dylan?" she gulped and it made my heart beat faster.

I tried to swallow the lump in my throat and nodded, I spun around in my big office chair so she couldn't see my pink face. This can't be happening, this can't be happening. Quickly, I spun around again and smiled.

"Hey," I spoke awkwardly.

She looked down at her feet and sat in one of the chairs in front of me. Pulling Dani to her lap, she smiled again.

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