Twenty Four: Realization

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//Carter's POV//

It was another plain day in Manhattan Grace Hospital where I have to put these unappealing scrubs on, & work my daily shift. I mean when I got to the surgery part, that's what made my day interesting because it was fun to operate & see the whole anatomy, it was a whole new experience.

The positive impact of working as a surgeon was that if you were successful, you'd be high payed.

It was also great because as a surgeon, you could get hired easily almost anywhere in the world. A surgeon was one of the highest paying jobs if you were a specialized surgeon & you could get hired, easy.

I didn't necessarily become a surgeon for the money, I became a surgeon because it was something my parents pleaded me to do, and if I didn't go in for medicine, they'd cut off my assets. I couldn't live to see something that disaster out to happen because my expensive assets were what made life luscious in addition to luxurious.

I had this mindset in mind when I decided to first study for it, but as time progressed I grew to love this field & become passionate in it. My intentions soon changed.

I was certain that I was very spoiled but I tried to have positive mindsets as I forced myself to donate at least 10% of my earnings to charities. It didn't even make sense to why I did so, but I knew that I didn't want to stop donating. The idea that the unfortunate would achieve happiness, made me feel warm and fuzzy inside.

After forcing myself, it ended up being something I loved doing, as I was happy.

I received happiness when others were happy hence making me donate even more.

I wasn't that bad of a person, I mean I knew I was very attractive & charming making me kind of self centred, but I wasn't a bad human being because I still cared about others.

I just felt as if I was very stupid sometimes & it was a shocker to my family that I even made it to medical school and got a surgical position at one of the best hospitals in the state. They treated me as a fucking joke. They just made me apply to medical school since they lost entertainment within themselves as they hoped that I would get rejected so that they could laugh at me. They expected me to play in the Super Bowl since back in those retro high school days, I was a football player or just do nothing at all because I was that dumb under their eyes.

I'd constantly get compared to my older brother, Chris who was perfect under my parent's eyes. He was very attractive, buff, intelligent, obedient & classy as they'd always favour him over me. It put my self esteem down a lot, & I felt angry at myself since I couldn't live up to what Chris was.

I realized though that only I am the only one who could change myself as I proved my judgemental cold parents wrong when I waved my John Hopkin's acceptance letter right in front of their shocked faces.

I snapped out of my thoughts, finally while I put on these blue scrubs that I thought were kind of hideous, and I stepped out of the men's changing room.

As a surgeon, I did get hit on by some patients but I kept my composure & did my job properly even though sometimes it'd boost my self esteem when I overhear these girls talking to their friends on the phone saying, "Dude my doctor is so hot!"

I decided way back, two weeks after Gabby's wedding to just focus on other important things like becoming a successful surgeon and prove to my parents that I wasn't dumb, ruthless, spoiled and that I had the potential to achieve something. I wanted to show them that I am capable of many things in life and that I can be a very successful surgeon instead of a Super Bowl Player.

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