Chapter 4 - Stu (Chris)

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I hopped down from the top of the dugout, and I could tell my face was burning red. My heart working overtime, an erratic pulse pounding in my ears, drowning out the crowd and walk-up music that poured from the speakers around the field as whoever the fuck was on deck made his way toward home plate.


I kissed her. I fucking kissed Sloane.


A semi-shaky hand tan through my sweaty hair, as i snagged another ball cap from the equipment manager and ignoring my teammates' quizzical stares and Dom's knowing smirk. None of them even knew that there was something (and by something i mean contractual agreement) between the two of us.

Of course, they'd all met her before, she was practically an honorary member of the team. But both Sloane and I have denied being involved for so long, seeing us kiss left them all with shocked expressions on their faces.

Any other time, I would've given them shit for the dumbfounded looks on their faces.

But today, i got it. I fucking kissed her.

God, i hope my acting was a lot better than it was yesterday and she couldn't tell how fucking nervous i was.

My stomach fluttered again as replayed the moment in my head, from the jealousy that got me over the dugout in the first place to the twisted mess of nerves in my stomach when my lips finally touched hers.

Since i realized i was in love with her, I'd definitely pictured our first kiss a million different ways. I never thought it would be at Fenway in front of a fuck ton of people, tasting vaguely of beer and nacho cheese, but dammit, I'd be lying if i said i didn't love every second of it.

I scrubbed a hand down my face, attempting to wipe away the grin tugging at my lips as i plopped onto the bench, but absolutely nothing could spoil the mood i was in right now. We could lose the game 10-4, i could walk every single batter until they pulled me and I'd still be grinning ear to ear.

Dom stood in front of me, fastening the velcro of his batting glove with a shit-eating grin plastered to his face.

"Shut it." I laughed, shaking my head.

Dom threw his head back laughing then grabbed his helmet and pushed it onto his head. "You're so fucked, bro. Royally. So fucked."


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