Chapter 19 - Destruction (Sloane)

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A couple of hours later, Cami and Zoey made their way over to Lisa's. I sat down with Zoey outside on the patio and recapped everything I had already told our family, the guilt consuming her almost immediately.

I could see it the second she felt it.

When I told her about the night I finally left, she burst into tears, wrapping me in a hug and holding me close. This is why I didn't tell her. She blamed herself almost immediately and I never wanted her to carry that guilt with her.

And that's exactly what I told her. To which she replied: "If I don't get to feel guilty, neither do you."

It was almost surreal hearing everyone tell me that nothing is my fault and that I have no reason to feel guilty because I've let myself believe for so long that Stu treated me like that because of something I did.

Wrapping my head around the fact that I've carried the weight of so many different negative emotions for no reason was difficult, but I'm realizing that what they're saying is true.

It isn't my fault. It's not my fault that Stu treated me like shit. It's not my fault that he acted out and now Chris is in jail.

He's just a shitty person. And his shitty personality is the reason for all of this. Not me.

What my family and Chris's family was telling me is true and I wouldn't let anyone, especially Stu or my intrusive thoughts, tell me otherwise.

"Okay, so let's go over the course of the night. We all know that Chris didn't have those drugs on him," my sister turned to look at me, everyone circled around the large island in the Evans's kitchen. "I really wanna take this to Lucas, I think he'll believe you, I really do, but he and Stu have been friends for ages. I'm gonna need some kind of... proof," her eyebrows pinched together, "I hate that your word isn't enough, I do. But that's just... Stu is–"

"Charming," I interrupted, nodding my head. "I know, Zo. I've been there. I mean, what if we have Marvin give up the security tapes? Stu was outside of our apartment every night for a week a month ago. It shouldn't be hard to prove he was stalking me at least."

Zoey nodded, "That could be enough to at least get him put on admin leave."

Cami was already heading towards the door with keys in hand, "On it!" she yelled over her shoulder, "I'll let you know what I find," she promised before closing the door behind her.

I really did owe her a pair of Louboutin's. Maybe Dom would take a pair, too. I had some amazing friends on my side.

Lisa poured another cup of coffee, passing it over after topping it with whipped cream. I smiled appreciatively, taking the mug in my hand and taking a small sip. "Okay, what else?" I lost count of how many cups I'd drank today, but I still needed the caffeine.

Zoey took a deep breath, pressing the heel of her palm into her forehead as she closed her eyes. "We need to figure out if it was Long that put the drugs in his suit coat."

"I really don't think so," I shook my head, taking another sip of coffee. "Unless he's extremely good at close-up magic, there's no way. There were three dime bags in his pocket. He wouldn't have been able to just... put that in there."

My sister leaned against the back of the barstool, sighing deeply. "Okay... And you're absolutely sure it wasn't Stu?"

"He didn't touch him. They were close enough and I wouldn't put it past him, but I swear, they didn't touch."

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