Chapter 23 - She's Going To Be Fine (Chris)

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I rolled over expecting to find the comforting warmth of Sloane's body but instead was greeted with cold sheets and Dodger's tail. I sat up, blinking a few times as I surveyed the dark room.

She's not here.

I threw the covers back and climbed out of bed, stopping when my phone vibrated from the nightstand. I flipped it over, the number of our apartment building flashing across the screen.

Why the hell was Marvin calling me in the middle of the night?

My brows furrowed as I swiped to answer the call, walking toward the bathroom and swinging the door open. "Marvin??

She's not in there either. I stepped inside and spotted her phone on the counter, an uneasy feeling settling in my bones. Something is wrong.

"Oh, Mr. Evans, thank you for answering. Can you come inside? Miss. Taylor went upstairs about 15 minutes ago and I haven't heard from her. Could you just run inside and make sure she's okay? She was very insistent that I stay put."

My stomach dropped, my knees buckling as I reached for the counter to steady myself.

She went back to the apartment. Why would she go back to the apartment?

"She's there now?" I rasped.

"Well– yes, sir. She– she said you were in the car."

I grabbed her phone, swiped up, and opened up the text thread with the same unknown number she had 12 missed calls from.

"Mr. Evans?"

Marvin's voice was faint in the background, my pulse roaring in my ears. I felt dizzy and lightheaded, my stomach churning as I read through the texts.

She went back to the apartment.

"Marvin, I'm not there. Call the– Don't call the cops. I'm calling someone I trust. Please let them in if they get there before us, his name is Aaron Lucas. He'll be with Sloane's sister, Zoey. I'm on my way now!" I hung up, pocketing both phones, then threw a shirt on and made a beeline for the stairs, taking them two at a time.

I banged on Dom and Cami's bedroom door, "DOM!"

A few seconds later, Dom threw the door open, his sleepy eyes widened at my panicked state.

"She's at the apartment."

"Fuck. Let me put on some clothes, I'll meet you at the car."

I dipped my chin in acknowledgment before hurling myself down the stairs. My fingers stabbed the numbers on the security panel to unarm the house, then threw the door open after it beeped.

My breath was ragged as I teetered on the edge of a panic attack, my ribs felt like they were shrinking around my lungs.

I can't lose her. Not after I just got her.

I sprinted down the driveway to the patrol car parked in front of the house and banged on the window until it rolled down, "Get to her apartment, now! She's there with Stu!"

Before getting a response, I turned and ran to Dom's car, Dom running out the front door with Cami in tow. "Cam–"

She held up a hand, her silk bonnet still wrapped around her head, "Save it. Dom already tried. Get in the fucking car, she's my best friend, too."

I knew that tone well enough to know there was no convincing her to stay.

We all piled into Dom's car and sped out of the driveway, following closely behind the police officer that was stationed in front of their house.

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