Chapter 16 - Desperation (Sloane) 🔥

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I relaxed back into my seat, thankful it was finally cool enough that I could enjoy one of Chris's games without the sun basically melting my skin off.

June and July were always brutal in Boston. August was basically perfect, but early September was where it was at.

The sun was out, but there was a light breeze and the temperature sat at a perfect 75 degrees. I wore a pair of my favorite jeans, Chris's jersey like always, and had a light jacket draped across my lap in case I needed it.

Literally perfect.

Just like almost everything else in my life.

Chris winked at me from the field, my heart fluttering in response like it always did.

"You are one sappy little bitch."

I snorted in response, looking over at Cami as she stuffed more popcorn into her mouth. "It's the honeymoon stage, you know?"

She rolled her eyes, wiping the butter from the popcorn off her lip with a napkin. "The honeymoon stage lasts like three weeks. Four max. It's been like three months of this shit. Can you guys start hating each other like normal couples?"

I pinned her with a playful glare, "Oh, yeah? Name one thing you hate about Dom."

"Easily," Cam sat up straight, "He sheds, like a damn German Shepherd. He plays videos on his phone way too loud in the morning. He snores and–" she cut herself off, "Do you need me to continue? Because I can."

"Okay, okay, point proven," I laughed, looking out on the field and watching Chris as he concentrated on the batter challenging him from home plate.

Watching him play was mesmerizing.

Outside of baseball, Chris always has such a happy-go-lucky guy with a goofy personality. And yes, sometimes he let that shine through with baseball, but the discipline he held with this sport was amazing.

Maybe I was a little biased, but no one in the league held a candle to Chris when he was having a good day. He seemed to be having a lot of those since dating me.

He leaned forward, his chin dipping sharply as he okayed the pitch from Jasper. I watched as he stood straight, his right hand settling in his mitt while he twisted the ball around, adjusting his fingers for the pitch.

The count was 3-2. Knowing Chris, his change-up was too risky to throw with 2 outs on the line, so he was probably throwing a curve. Over the years, he's perfected his curve ball. Everyone knew it. Shit, the batter probably knew it was coming.

He still wouldn't be prepared.

His biceps flexed against his jersey, the white material beginning to soak through with sweat. He took a steadying breath, his chest rising and falling slowly and I was basically on the edge of my seat.

Chris wound up the pitch, his right leg hiking up just a tad as he gathered momentum. I held my breath as he launched the ball out of his hand, smiling to myself when the sound of the ball hitting Jasper's glove echoed through the stadium. Strike 3. A curve, just like I thought.

I grinned, framing my mouth with my hands, "Atta baby!" I called out, sitting back in my chair and feeling Cami's eyes on me.

"Remember when this was for show?"

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