Chapter 5 - Get In The Fucking Car (Chris)

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I laid in bed later that night, my whole body tense, my mind spinning. I had every intention of just coming home and maybe drinking a beer or two to unwind from the hectic night we'd endured, but i couldn't get my brain to stop.

My thoughts bounced around like i was running the bases and caught between 2nd and 3rd, the good and bad volleying back and forth as i tried to settle on an emotion.

Any muscle that wasn't rigid or stiff was twitching with the desire to do something, anything, about my anger with Stu.

Growing frustrated with the restlessness, i shoved the comforter to my feet and stood out of bed. I knew that my anger was misplaced, realistically, it was Stu's fault, but Dom should've told me what was going on with Sloane.

Dom knew what she was going through and yes, she made him promise not to tell, but if he was going to break one promise to her, it should've been that one.

He should've told me about the call he and Cami received, her begging for help to get out of a controlling and abusive relationship.

I should've been the one to help her. Most of my anger was with myself, but i couldn't admit that, so instead, i directed it at Dom.

I threw on a shirt and running shoes, grabbed my AirPods, and quietly exited my room. There was honestly no need for me to tiptoe around, she was definitely knocked out for the night, but i could tell how worked up she was about Stu.

She needed a good night's sleep and i didn't want to be the one to disrupt it.

Once i got outside, i planned on taking my normal route: three miles around the downtown area and then loop back to the apartment complex. Six miles total and enough to wear myself down.

But once my feet hit the concrete, my frustrations pulled me in a different direction. Before i could process just where my feet were carrying me, i was eight miles in and banging on Dom and Cami's door.

I felt a twinge of guilt in my chest when Dom whipped the door open, Cami's purple silk bonnet covering her hair, and her robe pulled tightly around her body while Dom shielded most of her with his tall, wide frame. It was the middle of the night, they were very obviously sleeping, but i was pissed.

Dom could see and feel the rage that was brewing inside of me. "Go to bed, Cam," he warned in a low voice, not knowing exactly why i was there, but knowing me enough to keep his wife away when i looked possessed by anger.

"Should I call Sloane?"

"No." I snapped, earning a warning look to watch my tone from Dominic. "This is between me and Dom."

Dom squared his shoulders, standing up a little taller, "Camille, go."

With her eyes wide, she turned and scurried back upstairs, probably assuming that she didn't need to witness whatever outcome this surprise visit had.

Dom stepped outside, pulling the door shut behind him. "We got a problem?"

My jaw flexed, my neck and cheeks burning with rage. I jabbed my index finger into Dom's chest. "You fucking knew! You knew he put his hands on her and you didn't fucking tell me?!"

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