Epilogue - Pt 2

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"Are you sure I look okay?"

I blink rapidly, willing away the tears that clouded my vision as I stare at my best friend's beautiful daughter, "You look amazing, Sami," i clear my throat and look away, dabbing a tissue under my eye.

"Sloane! Stop! You promised," Sami whines, blinking as her eyes fill with tears, "If you cry, I cry," she sniffs, snagging the tissue out of Cami's outstretched hand and patting the inner corners of her eyes.

Today is an emotional day for everyone.

It's hard to believe that it's been 25 years since Samara was born, she looks so much like Cami did at that age. So elegant and timeless.

And here she is standing before me, a beautiful bride, wearing the same satin dress Cami wore when she married Dom 30 years ago.

Everything has come full circle.

I wave my hand at Sami, "Okay, okay. I'm fine, sorry. I'm fine!" The three of us share a laugh, all three on the brink of completely losing it. "I'm gonna go check on the guys, okay?"

"Oh! Give this to Miller for me?" Sami walks over and hands me a folded piece of paper she retrieved from her bodice. "Please?"

I smile softly, my nose burning as i hold back more tears, "Of course."

"Get out before I lose all of my mascara!" She laughs, Cami shooing me and my overemotional ass out of the bridal suite.

I hold the train of my rose gold gown, walking quickly from her room and down the hall, knocking lightly before pushing the door open. "Everyone decent?"

"Oh, Pip! Come look!"

I smile and shake my head, Chris has been keeping his promise. There hasn't been a day since we tied the knot that he hasn't called my Pip. Here we both are, pushing 55 and he's still calling me by my childhood nickname.

Everyone was used to it at this point, Samara even called me Pip until she learned how to say my name.

I push through the door, swallowing back the lump of emotion that grew in my throat.

My boys.

Chris is straightening Miller's tie with a proud grin on his face. Dom is helping our youngest son, Theo, knot his tie, while his son Kingston chats on the phone by the bay window.

They're all so grown up and so handsome.

Miller looks so much like Chris and yet so much like me at the same time while Theo and our daughter definitely takes after me. Delilah's basically my twin.

"How's the groom?" I whisper, clearing my throat to try and mask the emotion clogging it.

He grins, looking over at me, "I'm so good, Ma. God– I just– I'm so excited to marry her."

Chris claps his hand on Miller's shoulder, "I'm proud of you, son," his voice wavers with emotion.

Miller grins in return, "Thanks, dad."

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