Chapter 10 - One More (Chris) 🔥

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I was scared to move.

The sun had just started to peek through the tall buildings surrounding our apartment, I could feel the gentle, steady rise and fall of Sloane's chest and the warmth of her naked skin against mine.

Her leg was draped over both of mine, her arm across my chest, and her face nuzzled into the crook of my neck.

It was so early, or maybe I should say late? I maybe dozed off for an hour or so before she shifted in her sleep and draped herself across my body and I've been awake ever since. Practice was going to fucking suck.

I was anticipating the freak-out, so I stayed up, savoring and cherishing every millisecond of last night before she woke up and deemed it nothing more than a mistake.

I didn't want her to regret last night, I certainly didn't, but we were both a little tipsy and I was terrified she'd wake up and bolt.

The one thing I was afraid of was losing her altogether.

If she decided that she wanted to pretend like last night didn't happen, I would go along with it. It would absolutely break me, but I would do it for Sloane. I would do anything to keep her in my life. Even if it meant loving her from a distance.

Dodger barked from the living room and I stiffened as she stirred, inhaling a slow, sleepy breath. She stretched, her smooth skin rubbing against mine, flashbacks of last night and feeling her underneath me flooded my brain.

I could still hear those soft moans and pleas echoing in my brain. Christ, if I thought she was the one for me before, last night just confirmed it. She fit against my body like the last piece of a puzzle, it was just right, fulfilling. Everything about last night felt so right.

There was something so fucking sexy about the way she melted into me, a woman who was normally so defiant and strong, following every command that left my lips eager and excited. I loved that she was putty in my hands.

I shut my eyes, trying to think of anything else as my dick began to harden beneath the blanket.

She sniffed, shifting slightly and tightening her grip around my middle. She let out a sleepy laugh when her leg moved, her thigh brushing against the very noticeable hard-on I was now sporting. "Someone's awake." She whispered against my neck, earning a chuckle from me in response.

This was a good sign. This had to be a good sign, right? She wasn't freaking out. I was impossibly hard again, she... touched it... And she wasn't running for the hills. Yet.

"Yeah, sorry about that. Just ignore that" I masked my nervousness well, hoping she couldn't feel the rapid thump of my heart in my chest.

The hand that rested on my chest slowly started sliding down, my heart rate picking up as her fingers grazed down my abs, lowering until they reached the base of my cock.

I inhaled a sharp breath as her fingers wrapped around my length, my eyes fluttering shut as she stroked gently, her thumb swiping along the tip. "More," I directed simply, groaning when her fingers tightened, stroking from the tip back down to the base a few times before she pulled her hand away.

I opened my eyes, looking at the smirk on her beautiful face, her lips and eyes still puffy from sleep. I would sell my soul to wake up to this every day. To see her smile first thing every morning, to feel her silky skin against mine.

I watched as she shifted, moving down and settling between my spread legs, licking her pink lips as she eyed my cock.

I waited for her to tease me, to drag it out, but she took me in her hand, sliding down to the base, and leaned forward, wrapping those full lips around the tip and swirling her tongue.

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