Chapter 18 - Lost (Sloane)

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When I pulled up to Lisa's, my mom and dad were already crossing the yard to meet me. I didn't even try to disguise the pain and exhaustion written all over my face from the past 24 hours.

I was tired and scared. Dom and Cami tried several times to mollify the fears that crept into my thoughts and just when I thought it was starting to work, I could hear Stu's voice in the back of my mind, warning me about what had yet to come.

Initially, I thought I understood the power that he held over me. That maybe the worst he could do was have someone tail me or fuck with Chris instead of me. I never thought that he was capable of planting a truckload of drugs on Chris and inside my apartment.

If he was capable of doing all of this, who knew what he could do while Chris was in his custody?

I climbed out of the driver's seat, my mother immediately wrapping me in a hug. "Oh, sweetheart. Cami told us everything, I'm so sorry."

I wanted to be done crying, but it just wouldn't stop. All of the emotions I felt on top of the lack of sleep was leaving the logical side of my brain fuzzy and the emotional side was front and present.

Her arms tightened around me as I sobbed into her shoulder, my dad moving to the car to help Dodger climb out. God, I loved them. They always knew what I needed.

My dad whispered that he was taking Dodger inside, but my mom's arms stayed tight around me. Like she knew if she let go a second too soon, I'd unravel completely onto the gravel driveway.

"We are going to figure this out. You– my fierce, strong, smart, capable daughter– you, are going to figure this out. Don't you doubt it for one second. I have seen you accomplish so many things during your time as a lawyer for people you didn't know. I know that you will not sleep until he's back in your bed. I know what you are capable of, Sloane Taylor. And this...? A power trip from a sleazy cop? This is a walk in the park."

She paused, pulling away and lifting her hands to frame my face. "You take a second and let yourself feel everything that you need to feel. Don't you dare think that that makes you weak, either. But after you feel it, lock it up. Get that lawyer brain churning again and get him home. Just like I know you can."

My lip quivered as I stared at her. "I love him, mom," I whimpered, my voice breaking. I could see the pain play out on her face, shifting quickly between something that looked almost as hopeless as I felt, back to the strong façade she was using to stay strong for me.

Here she was telling me it was okay to break down and feel bad while holding it together for me. Of course, she was hurting. Chris has been in her life for just as long as I have, she loved him like a son.

But she was a mother after all. Making sure I was okay was her main priority so I knew she would keep it together until I was out of sight, even if her glassy eyes gave away the emotion she was concealing.

"I know you do. Even when you didn't know, I knew." She smiled sweetly, her thumbs wiping at my cheeks but failing to keep up with the downpour. "Let's go inside, come on."

She reached down to take my hand in hers, squeezing it gently before pulling me with her toward Lisa's.

And now I was going to have to tell them everything. I owed Lisa that at least. Her son was in jail because of me.

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