Chapter 11 - We Should Talk (Sloane)

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To put it simply... I was panicking.

Outwardly, I seemed to be holding it together pretty well. Chris was none the wiser about my inner turmoil, but holy motherfucking shit. I. Was. Panicking.

I'd lost track of the numerous questions that had been circling my mind whenever Chris's beautiful mouth wasn't distracting me, but there were so many things I needed to know.

Chris was acting... so normal. Like it was just an everyday thing that we went down on each other before the sun was even over the buildings outside of my window.

Was it possible that he was just as nervous and panicky as me? It was like the two of us were floating around in this beautiful, rose-colored bubble and I never wanted it to end.

If we went about our day like we normally would, would everything be different when Chris got back from practice? Could the separation make him realize that everything that's happened in the past 12 hours has been a mistake?

God, it didn't feel like one.

Obviously, we've never been intimate before, but there wasn't any second last night that didn't feel right. Chris was my best friend, yes, but there was a deeper connection last night, one that tied our souls together, both of us feeding off of the other.

I felt complete.

I felt happy and relaxed. And the second one of us finally popped the bubble to talk about everything that's happened, my whole world could come crashing down.

Chris was in his bathroom right now, me in mine, both of us getting ready for our day. The only thing on my schedule today was brunch with Cami and I couldn't tell if that was a good thing or a bad thing.

On one hand, brunch with Cami meant sitting and relaxing with a mimosa in my hand. As amazing as Chris has made me feel, I was also a tad sore, so not having to do anything but drink something small and enjoy a nice meal sounded perfect.

On the other hand: Cami. She would know. The second I sat down in front of her, she would know that something happened. She was my best friend... She didn't even need the hickey on my neck to prove it.

I threw an oversized Red Sox shirt on, pairing it again with some cut-off jean shorts, and slid into a pair of sandals. I moved to throw my hair up like I normally do, but opted to leave it down and loose around my shoulders. 

As much as I would like to think I could just stay here in my room all day and lose my in Chris, we were adults who had jobs and obligations.

Chris had to go to practice in 45 minutes, I was meeting Cami at 10 and soon, we'd have to talk about everything and see what exactly it meant.

Were we a 'thing' now? Was he my 'real' boyfriend? Or was everything still fake? But with benefits?

I sighed, staring at myself in the mirror, feeling like a new woman. Chris worshiped everything about my mind and body last night and this morning and I felt every bit of it. I felt confident. I felt beautiful and worthy.

How was it even possible that after just one night with him I felt so different?

I smiled, brushing my thumb against bruised lips, the feeling of Chris forever ingrained into my skin.

My phone vibrating on the marble countertop brought me back to reality, my mom's caller I.D. flashing across the screen. "Hey, Ma." I walked towards the bedroom door, pulling it open and coming face to face with Chris as he stepped out of his bedroom.

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