Chapter 9 - Thoroughly Disappointed (Sloane) 🔥

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It would be... easy.

It was logical.

But I didn't want something easy or logical. I wanted to be in love. The kind of love that pushed me to my limits and drove me crazy.

Is that something I could have with Chris?

My thoughts were interrupted, Chris's weight shifting the bed slightly as he settled between my legs, hovering over me.

I smiled up at my best friend, reaching up to cup his cheeks as his hands gripped my thighs.

"You okay?"

My heart melted just a little as I nodded. "Perfect."

Chris returned my smile, then fisted his cock, gently sliding the tip along my slit, my hips bucking involuntarily. He coated himself in my arousal, a moan spilling from my lips when he teased at my entrance.

God, he's fucking huge.

Chris smirked as if reading my mind. "It'll fit, Pip." His hand reached up to massage my breast, gently rolling my nipple between his finger and thumb. "Relax." I sighed in response, my eyes falling shut, then snapping back open when he pinched the hardened tip softly. "Eyes on me."

I nodded, gulping and looking back up at him.

He hissed out a breath as he inched forward, gently easing inside. I inhaled sharply, relishing the burn as he stretched me out. Chris paused and I knew he was giving me a second to adjust, but I didn't want it.

My legs tightened around his hips, urging him forward. "Please don't stop," I begged, once again hating the vulnerability in my voice, but my whole body shivered for more. I needed more.

Chris leaned forward, his lips finding the column of my throat, making his way up to my earlobe and nibbling softly. "Tell me what you want, Pip." He whispered against my skin.

God, I would sell my fucking soul to have him whisper against my neck like that every night from here on out.

My body shivered again, his trail of open-mouthed kisses leaving goosebumps in their wake. "You, Chris. I want you—" I gasped as he pushed inside of me a little more, "— I wanna feel you inside of me, I want you to fill me, Chris. Make me come again."

I cried out, the slight pain of Chris driving into me was quickly replaced by pleasure. "Fuck!" My fingernails drug down his back, breaking skin and making Chris hiss under his breath.

This was heaven. Flesh on flesh, white-hot pleasure burning at my core, there's no fucking way anything gets better than this.

My back arched, eyes squeezing shut, my lungs and brain depleted of the necessary oxygen to help me think straight.

"Eyes. On. Me." He punctuated each word with a hard thrust, driving into me with enough force to split me in two. There were no words to describe what was happening with my body right now.

How the hell could someone be so gentle and rough at the same time? And how can my body have such deep, visceral reactions to two different extremes? I was floating on cloud nine, but somehow completely grounded, feeling every single sensation zapping through my veins like I was gripping a live wire in my palms.

Every sexual experience I've had in the past pales in comparison to tonight with Chris.

Chris was my fucking sexual awakening.

I did as he told, peeling my eyes open and meeting his gaze, his ocean blue ones filled with nothing but lust.

His arm looped under my knee, hitching my right leg over his shoulder and it took an excessive amount of strength to keep my eyes open as he adjusted his weight, hitting deeper with every thrust.

I couldn't stop my eyes from rolling back as his hips snapped against me with overwhelming force, my mind focusing on 2 things: keeping my eyes on him and the intense pleasure that was absolutely numbing my brain.

I saw Chris's smug-ass smile return through the tears blurring my vision. He leaned down, pressing his mouth to mine, sucking on my bottom lip softly before swallowing the moans that left my mouth. He pulled away, smirking when my eyes reopened and focused on him. "Good girl."


"God, fucking look at you, Sloane. You're taking me so well, baby. You feel so fucking good."

I moaned at his praise, soaking up every word and every gentle kiss, my back arching again when his mouth sealed around my nipple, biting softly before soothing the pain with a swirl of his tongue.

Stu had used the phrase "you are such a good girl" once. I laughed so hard in the middle of sex that he pouted in the living room for the rest of the night. It wasn't intentional.. but it didn't suit him.

Chris? It fucking suited him.

Hearing his praise melted my insides, like the first bite of a warm brownie. It spread through me sweet and warm, tingling from my head to my toes. I wanted to spend the rest of my life making him proud and hearing those words.

His hand traveled down my body, his middle finger finding my clit again, a deep moan flying from my lips at the connection.

My arms wrapped around his neck, pulling his lips to me, our tongues swirling together. Chris met my teasing licks with aggressive ones, reminding me of who was in control. His finger moved in painstakingly slow circles, pushing me closer and closer to my third climax of the night.

I moaned loudly, my toes curling as the familiar pressure built in my lower belly. "God, right there, Chris! Please, right there!" My fingernails dug into back, leaving my mark in small indentations on his bare skin.

For the first time, Chris's movements faltered, a thin sheen of sweat building on his forehead, his brows furrowed. His thrusts lost rhythm and his eyes pinched shut.

I reached up, scraping my nails against his scalp before fisting his hair and pulling gently. Not hard enough to hurt, but enough to capture his attention. "Eyes on me, baby," I whispered, the seductive nature of my voice taking me by surprise. "I want you to see me fall apart, Chris. I'm so close, I want you to see what you do to me."

He groaned, his eyes reopening. "You're fucking perfect, Pip." Chris's teeth nibbled along my neck before he pulled away, meeting my gaze again. "I wanna watch you come. I wanna feel your pussy throb around my cock as you come."

"God, yes!" I screamed, Chris thrust into me one more time, and we both fell over the edge together. A mixture of gasps and moans filled the room, both of us panting and struggling to breathe as our bodies shook with pleasure.

My hips bucked as Chris stroked one last circle around my swollen clit before pulling away, shifting his weight off of me.

His forehead fell against mine, both of us still gasping for breath.

I raked my fingers through his sweaty hair, capturing his lips in a slow, intimate kiss as he softened inside of me. "Thoroughly disappointed," I teased, Chris's chest vibrating with laughter.

He lifted his head, his face flushed, lips swollen and pink. "I hate you."

I joined in his laughter, wrapping my arms around his neck. "I know."

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