Chapter 7 - Don't Let Me Drink Tonight (Chris)

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Dom rested his elbows against the concrete shower stall, looking over at me, any animosity that he might've held since i showed up at his door ready to fight was long forgotten. "So, you and your girlfriend coming to the party tonight?" His eyebrows wiggled suggestively, making me laugh.

I twisted off the faucet, taking a dry towel and securing it around my waist. "I haven't talked to her about it, I'm not sure." I shook my head, running my fingers through soaking wet hair. "I don't– I don't think I can be around her tonight." I lowered my voice, trying to make sure this wasn't overheard.

The moment that we shared before my game was just as much of a mood booster as it was confusing.

I knew from the start that i would do anything and everything to soak up every single moment with Sloane. I only had six months of her pretend love after all. Everything that has happened and will happen is fake. I knew that.

Whatever happened before the game really didn't feel fake and i wasn't sure what to do with that.

She wanted to hold me. She wanted to kiss me. And as much as i wanted her to want that, I'm just not sure what to trust.

I need to know that she wasn't just shaken up about last night before i let myself believe she had feelings for me, too.

Dom laughed, interrupting my train of thought. "Why?"

I shot my best friend an exasperated look, my eyes widening. "Did you not see that kiss? I mean, fuck. She asked for it, Dom. I offered the cheek and she wanted me to kiss her. On the fucking mouth. And she–" i cut myself off. I could go into great detail about the difference between this kiss and the previous ones that we have shared, but Dom would never understand.
Only I could notice the subtle differences. Like the way her eyes flickered to my lips or the way her pupils dilated when I said 'now or never'. I noticed these things. I felt the way her body pressed up against mine or the way her fingernails gently scraped against my scalp.

I especially noticed the way her mouth moved against mine with a gentle curiosity. She wasn't scared or holding back. She wanted the kiss.

Dom raised his eyebrow at me, a small smirk forming on his lips.

It was so easy for people to see the two of us interact and assume there was something more, but there never was. The two of us behaved as all best friends behaved, it was just me who desired something more.

So people like Dom and Cami and basically everyone else who has spent more than an hour with the two of us could make any assumptions that they wanted, but we were just friends.

Dom twisted the faucet off, wrapping a towel around his waist. "Trust me, I saw the kiss. Everyone saw the kiss. You're both stupid."

I followed Dom towards the lockers, grabbing a pair of sweats and stepping into them before yanking off my towel. "Oh, fuck off." I fluffed my hair with the towel, trying to wring out the excess water.

Dom pinned me with an annoyed look, rolling his eyes while he followed my lead and pulled on a pair of sweats. "So, I ask again, are you going to the party?"

I grabbed my phone, bringing up the unopened text from her.

Sloane: Are you coming home first or should we meet at the party? Tell Dom I have Cam with me.

I ignored the way my heart swelled when I read 'home', but couldn't stop the smile from spreading across my lips.

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