Chapter 13 - So Fucking Happy (Chris)

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"I never thought you were going to tell her." My mother's voice spoke softly from where she stood next to me, the top of her head barely coming to my shoulder.

My stomach twisted and tangled in knots.

Technically, I hadn't. Though, I suspected she now knew how I  felt about her after her mother spilled the secret we had all agreed to keep.

I shrugged, avoiding the swat on my hand when I grabbed a strawberry off of her cutting board and popped it into my mouth.

"How did it happen?" She asked, bumping her hip against mine with a small smile playing on her lips.

I shrugged again, earning an eye roll from my mother.

"Was it the drugs?"

This time, I rolled my eyes, turning to look at her. "Alright, Ma. Enough about the drugs. It was a mistake. I get enough shit from Sloane."

"Good," she replied, her voice laced with amusement.

I wasn't really sure how to answer. Because yes... It happened because of 'the drugs' but also, there was only so much I could say before I risked exposing the whole secret of our fake-turned-very-real-relationship.

"It just... sort of happened. I don't know, Ma."

She hummed quietly in response, clearly taking the hint that I didn't want to talk about it. "Well, don't fuck it up."

I snorted, my eyes shifting over to Sloane when her laugh rang out from the dining room, everyone still seated around the table with full bellies and empty wine glasses. It's been a while since everyone has gathered like this before, I missed it. I missed the cozy feeling of sitting on my mom's couch after dinner with some stupid movie playing on the screen or Shanna and Lani bickering for whatever reason. They were close in age like me and Pip were.

"I wasn't planning on it," I responded, smiling softly when her eyes landed on me. She grinned in response and I wanted nothing more than to walk over and pull her into my body.

All of these feelings and desires I'd been holding for years were making it extremely hard to keep my distance. Finally, the two of us were so close to being on the same page and all I wanted to do was show her just how happy I could make her.

As if reading my mind, she pushed her chair away from the table and made her way over to me and my mom. I could practically feel the warmth of my mother's grin as she approached where we stood in the kitchen.

"Hey," I smiled, savoring the way her body felt against mine as she melted into my side, her arms wrapping around my middle.

"Hey," She replied, her words muffled by the fabric of my shirt. "Lees, go sit. I'll finish up," I offered, pulling away from me and reaching out to accept the knife in his her hand.

She was ready to argue, to tell her to go sit down instead, but my mom also knew exactly how persistent Sloane was and before she could even give her a chance to resist, Sloane was pulling at the tie of her apron and safely snagging the knife from her hand.

She jerked her head towards the dining room table, "Go. Sit. Take a load off. Whatever you wanna call it," she winked and my mother rolled her eyes, but conceded, hanging her apron on a hook by the fridge and making her way over to where my father sat.

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