Chapter 8 - Jealousy Looks Good On You (Sloane) 🔥

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"Ah, fuck." I whispered, taking a shaky breath when Chris reappeared from his room just a few minutes later.

I have seen Chris in many different ways. Shirtless, pj's, swimsuits, actual suits. You name it, I've seen it.

Seeing him in the shirt i bought should have been a walk in the park. Nothing out of the ordinary. Chris used to wear freaking cargo shorts, i basically redid his wardrobe after he was drafted so I've bought him plenty of things over the years. But when he walked into the hallway, my knees turned to rubber.

I gripped the counter for support, truly not understanding this sudden effect he had on me. Maybe i didn't want to understand it. I don't know. But i was all in.

He sauntered out of his room running a hand through his newly styled hair, his biceps flexing against the cuffs of his shirt. Chris oozed confidence. He winked in my direction and my whole body warmed. Head to toe, i was set aflame from one measly wink.

But he wore the shirt i bought him.

The one i bought specifically with his biceps in mind. Because apparently, I'm doing that now.

He wore the thin white t-shirt under it, the neck low enough to show off the tops of his tattooed chest, and the pair of hunter green chinos i also purchased today.

This is going to kill me.

Once Dom was changed, the four of us headed downstairs to the lobby, the car service that Chris used was already called and waiting out front.

It was hard not to appreciate the beauty of my building whenever i found myself downstairs. I used to dream about living somewhere with a doorman and marble floors. Now every time i came home from my dream job, i walked into my dream building, greeted by Marvin and one of his terrible jokes (though i laughed every time) and a beautiful antique chandelier.

The gold accents and slight echo of my heels welcomed me home every night and i couldn't help but smile.

I worked so hard for everything i had. Sloane from 5 years ago would have buried any feeling of pride, telling myself that there was still so much more to accomplish, but as i looked around at my friends and my home, i let myself feel it.

"Miss. Sloane?"

The doorman of my building sat behind his desk near the front door, his hands folded on the counter. He smiled softly, the wrinkles fanning out around his eyes deepening.

"Hey, Marvin. What's up?"

"May I speak with you privately?"

Great. I'd bet my next paycheck that it has to do with Stu. I walked over to where he sat, Chris, following hot on my heels. "Everything okay?"

"Well," he started, his eyes flickering from me to Chris who stood so close I could feel his breath against the back of my neck. "Mr. Moore is outside. He's rang the buzzer twice already. Might I suggest leaving through the staff exit in the back of the building?"

The now familiar feeling of panic crawled its way up my throat. Why couldn't he just leave me alone? I reached up, scratching softly at my neck like the suffocating feeling was from clothing or a necklace and not simply because Stu couldn't take no for an answer.

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